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Here is the new HoHH graphics demo I've been playing around with.

The main addition is completely customising the player UI to remove the UI bar on the left of the screen and replace it with a small control panel.

The demo is just a proof-of-concept.  It only has a single scenario (Sapoonis) and snippets to represent each NPC and their location within the House.

I'm also guessing it will only work properly on laptop/desktop/tablet screens.  It will probably not display properly or work on smartphone screens.  My goal for the next graphics demo is to figure out a nice display version for both.

To run it, unzip the folder then run the .html folder from the same folder it's in.  The demo should then run in your internet browser.

First up, the player control panel.  This is up on the top left.  Currently it's made out of cobbled together art and looks terrible.  This is very basic placeholder art while I'm testing to see if I can make it do what I want it to do.

The top element is the semen gauge - the player's 'life bar' for in the House.  Play around with Sapoonis and you should see it go down (and other things).

Below that, the clock icon is meant to represent the current round the player is on.  For a finished version, the current round will be shown by the hands of the clock.  For now, the whole clockface rotates (up to round 4) because I wanted to check I understood how sprite maps work.

Next is a player portrait.  Clicking on this will bring up the player's character sheet detailing their stats and personality.  There are also spaces to show equipped charms and known ailments.  It looks very basic at the moment as I'm just focusing on layout and using a button to bring it up.  It can always be prettied up with nicer art later.

Below that are a couple of coin icons showing how many Mulligan Tokens and Coins the player has.

And finally, the book is to access the same save game functionality as before.  This should work as before.  I don't want to mess around with Twine's default save/load system too much (although my preference would be to replace it with autosaves).  In theory the save/load window can also be reskinned.  I didn't bother here.  I just wanted to check I could access the same save game functionality as existed with the default UI sidebar.

As for other things.

Thanks to some tweaks to Twine's StoryInterface passage, art is displayed in a different section to the passage text, so should no longer be constantly redrawn on changing passages.

I also found a better AI art generator and redid most of the portraits and backgrounds.  I also found somewhere to upscale the backgrounds so they don't look like unfocused blobs.

Overall, I'm reasonably happy with what AI art can do with the backgrounds and portraits.  Getting a real artist in would obviously be much better, but what I currently have would probably be almost okay as is.

The one exception is the control panel.  That looks very crude at the moment.  I'll need to find an artist for that.  What I'd like is for a piece of corner art to serve as background for the icons (curtains, part of a sexy succubus, etc), and then for the icons to be drawn in the same style.  AI, for instance, has no chance of being able to draw a 13-hour clockface.  The 'penis' gauge is also really tricky because of most AI drawing programs being lobotomised and not allowing any 'naughty' words in the prompts.  I like the idea of making it look like a glass sculpture, maybe surrounded by thorny vines.

The goal of these demos is to check everything works, is intuitive and the right size.

Because the other AI art looks serviceable, I think I'll only need at the minimum is to commission artists to draw the player control panel and maybe a proper title screen.  Once that's in place, maybe we can think about giving every harlot a 'pin-up' piece if I can raise the funding.

Anyway, have a play around with the demo and let me know what you think.



The Barman, Elegant Lady, the Madam, and Doctoress look so much better MEH. Although, you might want to tweak the Coin's design. The gold coin with the succubus on it looks too anime-like MEH. It doesn't fit with the other designs.


The portrait art is going from strength to strength. The “gauge” I am not keen on, and just personally would prefer a normal state bar until something more suitable could be found.


It's a placeholder and is shrunk down tiny on the player UI. I need to find a good pen 'n' ink artist to do the whole controls section. Everything is there just to give an impression of what it might look like.


I'm uncertain on it. I was quite pleased how the layers worked out and the bar animates at climaxes (mainly because figuring out how to make the animation work was a headache). Not sure if it's the right game for it. It might be better as a more stylised sculpture. I think with better art, it might make for a good status bar. The current art is cobbled together from a sex toy pic snagged off the internet. Not something I'd want to put out on a proper demo, but okay to give an idea of how it might work in a finished version.


Could be a couple of reasons why. The images are all stored in the "images" folder in the same directory. If you move the .html file and run it from somewhere else it won't know where to find the images. The other could be a browser setting issue that prevents getting the images from the local directory for security reasons. That one I'm not as sure how to fix. Can you let me know which browser and I'll look into it.

Grimmtooth Industries

I am using chrome. and I tried running the HTML in the image file and still didn't work for me.


Could be a settings issue in Chrome. Not sure what though. JavaScript would need to be enabled, although I'm not sure if that would block all images. The only other thing I can think off is that the security settings are blocking local files. Not certain where those settings are though. Chrome is the web browser I use, so it's been tested on that. I also checked it on Microsoft Edge and it was fine there. I'll try it on my other machine just in case it's a stupid "fine on my machine, broken everywhere else problem".

Grimmtooth Industries

Hmm on edge I have the same issue might be my machine, but normal website works fine. I just checked maybe the images aren't going to the HTML from my machine.