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The player can walk down the path to the main exit gate without being accosted.  While walking they'll see the sexy spectral forms of various GHOST GIRLs drifting between the tombstones.  They leave the player alone for now as he walks down to the large main gate that is the only way in or out of the graveyard.


Exiting the tomb will place the player above ground and in the heart of a large and eerie graveyard.  Of most interest to the player is this is on the other side of the great central wall.

There are a few other tomb buildings.  Each seems to have a crest indicating the wealthy family they previously belonged to.

Nobody comes to the graveyard, not even the lust daemons that have taken over Ur-Carnosa.  This is a result of the LICH QUEEN's unholy tinkering.  In creating her ZOMBIE WHOREs, she splits the spirit from the flesh.  The flesh is controllable and follows orders.  The spirits do not.  They haunt the graveyard and their rage has been corrupted into an insatiable lust for sex and life by the perverse magical aura saturating Ur-Carnosa.

The player will encounter one shortly after exiting the tomb.

What happens next will be determined by whether the player picked up the necessary KEY ITEM from the LICH QUEEN's treasure chamber.  If they did, they can fightfuck the GHOST GIRL as normal.


In regular fantasy, ghosts tend to drain life on touch.  The Ur-Carnosa ghosts, being corrupted by the lust aura, raise arousal on touch, and drain life on ejaculations.  She'll be trying to wrap her body around the player and keeping as much of her in contact as she can.  This will be a contrast to the ZOMBIE WHORE fights in that the player will be needing to carefully manage their AROUSAL rather than STAMINA.

If the player failed to pick up the KEY ITEM, they will discover very quickly that while they can't touch the GHOST GIRL, she can touch them.  They will be unable to stop her from wrapping herself around them and draining their life with repeated ejaculations.


Slight retcon from an earlier passage.

The passage from the catacombs comes up through a stone coffin and into an above-ground tomb in the cemetery.  This seems like it might have been a secret passage for nefarious cults to go about their furtive business below-ground before the lust daemons took over the city.

Depending on the background lore, they might in some part be responsible for bringing the lust daemons to Ur-Carnosa.

Searching the tomb will find a note left ages ago.  This will give mention of a wealthy nobleman who was terrified of being prematurely entombed and locked within the cemetery.  Because of this he built a special mechanism to allow him to escape if that event ever happened.

This will give some cryptic hints to the puzzle required to unlock the exit.


This is where the KEY ITEM is.  It's an item that will allow the player to interact with entities of the spirit world.

It's also protected by a puzzle.

The puzzle will likely be themed around body parts.  Depending on which bit is failed, the player will be swarmed by spirit hands, boobs, lips, etc and made to ejaculate (losing HEALTH in the process)

The dangerous one is the vagina motif, as that summons the spirit womb from the next room, which – as already established – is a one-hit BAD END.

Once the player solves the puzzle they can grab the KEY ITEM and sneak back out through the secret door.  The VAMPIRESS NPC will have already left, but the way will be clear for the player to make their way over to the exit to the cemetery.


This also doesn't contain the KEY ITEM.  It contains what the LICH QUEEN regards to be her most valuable treasure.  It's useless to the player outside of monetary value.

It's also unobtainable.  Because it's so valuable to the LICH QUEEN, she's tasked her most fearsome creation with guarding it.  The spirit has been corrupted by the LICH QUEEN's dark magic until it's become little more than a gigantic vagina.  If the player approaches the treasure plinth, it will rise up out of the floor and swallow him.  Once inside, there is no chance of escape.  The player will become as incorporeal as the spirit and be taken down into the floor.  The spirit womb consumes potential.  It will slowly age the player in reverse with each ejaculation until it will be as if they never existed.

As this is an instant BAD END, the player will receive some hints that entering the room feels wrong and they probably should leave the treasure where it is.


The KEY ITEM the player is looking for isn't in here.  However, there will be a nice magical item the player might like to loot.

This could be randomised for each run, or a fixed treasure.  Maybe a type of spell.  Something fun and useful for the player to use.

However, if they try to take it, the exit will be blocked and the room fill with potent gases.  The player will need to figure out a puzzle to escape before the aphrodisiac gases raise their AROUSAL to max.

If the player doesn't get out before their AROUSAL peaks, they'll fall to the floor and helplessly ejaculate.  This will attract the attention of the lustful spirits bound to the tomb palace's walls.  They will surge in and cause the player to ejaculate over and over, draining his life away in the process.


If the player does wish to try to take on the LICH QUEEN, they can take the stairs down to the bottom level and then follow the steps leading down to her throne room and personal quarters.

They'll find her in a fancy, but rather small throne room at the bottom.  While initially looking bored, her face will brighten on seeing the player.

There isn't a fightfuck here.  The LICH QUEEN has spent years fortifying her personal quarters with runes to amplify her powers and abilities.  It's not a fight the player has any chance of winning.

The LICH QUEEN will summon various ghostly appendages and body parts and watch on with amusement as they slowly drain the life out of the player with one depraved sex act after another.


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