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The last day of the month means it's time for a House of Hellish Harlots update.

First up, you might be wondering what happened to v0.045.  Because I've been preparing these releases in advance, they were prepared and numbered as one harlot per release.  Even though I'm behind where I'd like to be on the short story writing (thanks to all the plagues currently running around), I decided to combine v0.045 into v0.046 and release the two pitcher plant girls together.

v0.046 adds two new harlots, both themed after carnivorous pitcher plant girls.

N3P-NTHes is another artificial being, this time modelled on pitcher plant lust daemons.  Unfortunately, she's one of The Doctoress's early creations and she neglected some aspects of her personality.  If you want to be brutally drained in a femdom way, N3P-NTHes is very good at that.

Perhaps a little too good...

Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia
Aphroú is a more conventional pitcher plant monster girl.  Her pitcher is filled with soapy water and feels like being in a relaxing hot tub full of bubblebath.

But be wary of getting too relaxed...

Similar to Sapoonis, I gave Aphroú a classical Greek appearance.  There's a decent chance the two might have a team-up scenario at some point, as Sapoonis joining the player in Aphroú's pitcher has a lot of potential for frothy fun.

I hope you enjoy playing with the new girls.  Let me know your thoughts below.

The new release is attached here as a .zip file.

I've also updated the houseofhellishharlots.com private section.  The new password for the month is:


Smith lfarrel

Obviously all of your creations are amazing and I enjoy every one, but Aphroú was a real unexpected treat especially! As always thank you so much for continuing to pour your heart and soul into this project Hydra. I look forward to each and every new release :)

Jimmy the Cannon

Would be interesting if there was some unique interaction between Sapoonis's bubbles and Aprou's pitcher fluids.


The idea I had is that Sapoonis, being a sort of lust daemon naiad, would bring some control to the composition of the fluids. That way Aphrou could release her full digestive juices, but Sapoonis would neutralise the digestive properties while amplifying the aphrodisiac properties. It would be a lot of frothy fun for the player. I'm not sure whether it would be a bonus scene without any risk. Or potentially a Good End? similar to Mamilla's where there is a risk the player's brain is blown by the pleasure overload and Sapoonis takes him off somewhere. I'm still figuring out how to make the bonus scenarios work. I was thinking of making the 2nd mini-boss encountered in Rnd9 a difficult encounter, but giving the player an option to skip that if they trigger the conditions for a team-up encounter with a couple of the earlier harlots from the faction. If not Rnd 9, they might take up any of the rnds 10-12 slots. The intention is to give the player a breather round if they set it up in earlier rounds.