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The sylvan theatre used to be an openair stage for the more artistically minded residents of the city to put on shows during the warm summer months.  It's now the central lair of the BOSS ALRAUNE that's taken over the park.

There are three ways of getting to her.

The regular one is solving her puzzle fetch quest.  The BOSS ALRAUNE will warmly welcome the player and tell them about how she's going to wrap them up in flowery bliss.

If the player burned their way in, the BOSS ALRAUNE will initially be very unhappy (and a little scared), but will recover her composure prior to the fight.

If the player busted in with the barbarian, the BOSS ALRAUNE will be shocked and trigger some defensive measures (vines churning up the ground and/or a thick fog of pollen).  This will separate the player from the barbarian so he has to fight the BOSS ALRAUNE alone.

Either way, it will all lead to the same fight.


The lore aspect to the BOSS ALRAUNE is that despite her control of the park, she is not as all-powerful as she pretends to be.  She's still a boss fight, and fairly tough, but not as difficult as the player might think.  She knows her 'core' is vulnerable to a determined and competent hero, which is why she tries to send them on wild goose chases through her park.  That way they're hopefully weakened enough for her to defeat and feed upon at her leisure.

To reinforce this, I might need to write her various traps to show it is the player breaking out after an ejaculation, or otherwise have an explanation for why she doesn't just tangle them up and suck them dry over on the other side of the park.  (The X ejaculation limit is possible a daemon contract type thing of submitting X times, forfeits a human's soul, or something like that.)

As for the fight, she'll probably be an alraune+.  Similar use of vine binds and aphrodisiac scents, with maybe some special moves on top.

I'm not sure whether the Ejaculate X Times And Lose rule will carry into the boss fight.  Part of me thinks the boss fight shouldn't count towards it.  The other thinks it better fits the lore and gives a little more spice to the final fight if the player gets there with only 1 or 2 ejaculations left to give.

Defeating her will open up the way to a new area (either directly, or providing a key to the entrance).

Next up it's the sexy undead in the Red-Light Tomb District.


This is the other internal feature of the maze (outside of the traps), although in this case it's a temporary, story-based one.

The player will hear loud chopping sounds and then turn a corner to come across the recurring NPC BARBARIAN swinging his massive double-headed battle-axe at the wall.  This section of the maze borders right onto the sylvan theatre and the barbarian is trying to chop a way through the woody vines blocking one of the archways.  He seems oblivious to the many deep scratches on his muscular torso and pauses only to bat away lascivious flowers trying to home in on his obvious erection.

If asked he will grunt something about the maze cheating, so he will too.

The player can leave him to it, or help.  Helping opens up another backdoor to the boss arena, but the player will likely take some damage from the thorny vines in the process.


At the centre of the maze it opens out and has a fountain.  On a plinth in front of the fountain is one of the KEY ITEMs the player is looking for.  This is guarded by a regular ALRAUNE.


I'm still undecided as to whether the smaller ALRAUNEs are independent entities, or part of the main BOSS ALRAUNE.  Making them part of the BOSS ALRAUNE means any ejaculation they get from the player goes towards the total count and fail condition.  I like this idea, although it would mean upping the amount of ejaculations the BOSS ALRAUNE has to get before game over.

Defeating her gives the player one of the KEY ITEMs they need.  However, they still have to find their way back out of the maze.

In implementing this, I'd likely weight the options so that the outcome the player wants (getting to the centre, getting back to the exit) is given more weight.  This should prevent bad RNG from getting too aggravating.

This should have gone out last night, but as I didn't get back home until after 2am...


The maze is located on the left side of the park, just before the puzzle gate to the sylvan theatre.  Originally, it was a very small ornamental maze with a pretty fountain at the centre.  The BOSS ALRAUNE's influence has corrupted it.  The walls are high and looming and the hedgerows are wound through with thorny vines and lurid pink roses that smell of female sex organs in heat.

The maze itself only has two internal features of interest, but finding them will involve some RNG as the walls are constantly changing and shifting.  There isn't a map.  The choice of directions presented to the player will just generate random outcomes until they hit the exit or one of the internal features.

The roses are constantly emitting a scent that raises AROUSAL.  The thorns are also loaded with aphrodisiac venom that also increases AROUSAL.  Sometimes the path will be tight enough the player has no option but get scratched.

There is also a trap option where the player will have to push through a particularly tight spot and end up tangled in thorny bramble with one of the bigger rose flowers trying to suck them off.  This is a minor trap – fairly easy to struggle out of, and an ejaculation is only triggered if they're still stuck at max AROUSAL


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