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The downward tunnel opens out into a large cavern festooned with lots of strands of white silk.  The GRUB QUEEN is waiting for the player.  She's not too unhappy about the player defeating all of her BUG DAUGHTERs.  In her eyes that means he's strong genetic stock and she's going to suck every last drop out of cum out of him to enable her to produce an army of strong daughters.


She's on the freakier side of monster girls, being a strange cross of queen ant or bee, but also with the silk-producing capabilities of a spider.  She won't be too alien and will follow the classic monster girl design of face and tits of a pretty woman, everything else substantially... weirder.

A lot of her moves will be to try and web the player up with silk and hold him in place while she starts sucking up cum with her big fleshy abdomen.  Unlike the previous encounters, the GRUB QUEEN won't stop at one ejaculation.  The player will need to break free otherwise she'll suck every last drop of juice out of him.

As with the KRAKEN, defeating the BUG QUEEN opens up the way to another area.  One of the ideas I'm toying with is that the way to the central areas is blocked off above ground by a big wall, and the player will need to make their way in underground through either slime girl sewers or naughty undead girl catacombs.

There is another above-ground area I want to play around with first – The Garden.


Turning the key allows you to swing open the heavy vault door at the back of the entrance hall.  The room beyond is where the highest ranking merchants kept their most precious goods.  It's mostly empty now, although the player might find some medium-value loot if they search thoroughly.

The floor has caved in, or rather been undermined as if something has tunnelled in underneath.  The walls of the wide tunnel are covered in strands of silk and it slowly slopes downwards.

This is the route to the GRUB QUEEN's nest.

For every egg (or BUG DAUGHTER) the player failed to find and destroy, they will have to defeat a BUG DAUGHTER before proceeding.  The BUG DAUGHTERs are kind enough to only attack one at a time, but there will be no breaks between each combat, making it quite a marathon battle if the player ignored the eggs and rushed straight here.


A simple attic space used for storage of old records and books, as well as some old defunct stock.

This is also an egg room.  Unless the player is very efficient and quick, it will have almost certainly hatched into a BUG DAUGHTER by the time he gets there.

There's not much else of interest.  Again, maybe some standard low-level loot (but it will cost time to search through all the old junk).


This appears to be another records room, but for the whole factory complex rather than one of the individual merchants using it.  There is also someone else in the room.  The recurring ROGUE NPC is going through some of the papers.  He will explain he has his own reasons for being in Ur-Carnosa.

I don't know what they are yet, but I do want to have some other human characters the player will run into in the various districts.  They will be here for their own missions, which might intersect with what the player is doing.

The ROGUE NPC will point the player in the direction of the key for the vault door downstairs (it's in a drawer in the room).  He'll wish them luck, but also explain this isn't his fight.

There is other lore and loot to be found if the player is willing to spend time to look for it.


Most of the rooms are inaccessible.  The doors are locked or blocked.

This also goes for the egg room the player saw from the entrance.  They will roughly know which door should lead to it, but it's blocked with heavy furniture and maybe even rubble.  The player won't be able to force a way through.

One door is slightly ajar.  There is also a wooden ladder leading up into an attic.


This appears to be the eccentric office of someone obsessed by clocks, locks, gears and other mechanical mechanisms.

Passing a spot check will let the player know the style looks similar to the valuables cage of the 4th small warehouse.

There is a puzzle here.  If the player solves it, they will obtain the key to the valuables cage in the small warehouse outside.

(They might want to wait until they have all eggs accounted for before spending time backtracking.)


This 2nd floor room appears to have been taken over by BUG GIRLs.  The player will be attacked by a trio of them on entering the room.


The room has large windows and the flying BUG GIRLs clearly picked it for ease of access.

The player can search the room to find low-level loot, but this will risk more BUG GIRLs flying in through the window for further fightfucks.


Entrance to the room appears to be barred by a makeshift barricade.  It's nothing more than heavy furniture pushed in the way of the entrance.  The player can break it down, but it will take up some time.

If they push their way in they will find a slightly smaller meeting room.  They are silk-wrapped corpses scattered around the room.  It seems the occupants of the building picked this room to make a last stand in.  Unfortunately for them, a hole in the floor over by the corner reveals the insect girls found another way in and turned the sanctuary into a trap.

The player can investigate the tunnel.  It's narrow, leads down below.  The player will also see something pale filling up the tunnel no more than a few inside.

This is the tip of the BUG QUEEN's abdomen.  If the player gets too close, she'll spray silk and suck another ejaculation out of him.  Afterwards she'll plug the tunnel up with plenty of thick silk.

There will probably be some interesting lore loot to be found, maybe detailing the survivors' last stand before they were taken.  When this all happened in uncertain.  It could have been when the city fell, or sometime after, when the BUG QUEEN took a human owned region for herself.

This is also one of the random egg rooms.  If the player was caught by the BUG QUEEN abdomen, she might have laid an egg in here.


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