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Last week ended up with more focus on the H-space Bestiary rewrites.  I put a new(ish) story out - "Men are from Mars, Mantraps are from Venus".  You can find this a couple of posts below or in the pinned post.

I typed up another one.  I'll leave that on the side for a month, so I can edit it with fresh eyes.  I also wrote the new sections for another one.  I currently have two updated ones to type up, although I'm not entirely happy with one of them and might junk it to give the character a different perspective.

I also started organising some of my worldbuilding notes on the H-space stories.  One thing I want to add that was barely hinted at in the originals is connections to the other stories - locations, characters, etc.  This means getting all the background info in one place so I know where all the regions are, what the nearest human base is, and the names of various scientists and higher officers (who might not always have the best intentions...)

Other short story writing was a little slower.  I added a few more pages.  I just have the sex scene and 'twist' to write and that will be the first of the four I need for the upcoming collection.

Aphroú Kanáta ton Ouránia (Soapy Pitcher Plant) is fully implemented and tested.  I've prepped her release and that's ready to go out on a future date.

I'm midway through implementing Eve Satana.  That will be slightly fiddly as she needs a couple of minor changes.  One of those is customising the player's walk to the harlot's 'room'.  This is something I wish I'd done from the start as I think it would give the House more character and lore if the harlots rooms were located in different parts of it (eg the player walking into clearly a garden area for plant girls).  It's needed for Eve Satana as her scenario takes place on stage in the downstairs bar.  It might be something I go back to for older harlots, although I suspect it might be something I hold back on until a HoHH v2.0 (eg if the interest is there to migrate it to Godot and make it more of a game).

I'm also about midway through typing up the bratty succubus.

Overall, slow progress on the short story I'm currently working on, but a lot of other stuff done instead.

As always, thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra 



Very much looking forward to Eve’s scenario. A different lead up or room change is a nice idea, as is having some stage show stuff in the main room (maybe the bad or more risky end of a huntress scenario could also end there if the player fails some agility/escape test).