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Now we have the workshed key and have found the ladder, I can go back to the rooftop entries I wrote a week ago.

You place a ladder and climb up to the roof of the 2nd small warehouse.  The webbed-up corpse is roughly in the middle of the roof.  Walking over you see it is a corpse of a cloaked rogue type.  The man is dried up as if all his fluids have been sucked up.

While searching the man, a small portal opens up beneath you.  The GRUB QUEEN sends the tip of her abdomen through, sucks in you cock and sucks another ejaculation out of you.

This will come with a slight HEALTH drain, another egg laid at a random location within the level, and another permanent debuff the egg or BUG DAUGHTER is destroyed.

There will be some loot on the corpse to make up for it.


This is a smaller room that might have once served purpose as a latrine.  It's been so long out of use there isn't any smell.

This is one of the fixed egg rooms.  The player will either find an egg in here or a newly hatched BUG DAUGHTER.

There is no other loot.


This might have been a slightly larger meeting room at some point.

It's also another GRUB QUEEN trap.  If the player enters and starts searching, he'll hear a giggle behind him as a portal opens up and the GRUB QUEEN pushes her abdomen through.  This time she'll spit silk at the player to try and immobilise him.  If the player fails to dodge he'll get webbed up and the GRUB QUEEN will suck an ejaculation out of him.

This is another random egg-creating event.  The ejaculation comes with a slight HEALTH loss, an egg being laid elsewhere on the level, and a permanent debuff until the player removes the egg/BUG DAUGHTER.

However, if this is the first time the player has been 'sucked', they will get some kind of skill check and a successful pass will allow them to hear noises from the next room, indicating the egg has been laid there.

This is also to save myself from my own nastiness of placing the rooms in an order where the egg will likely be laid in the room the player has just explored and therefore not check again.


This looks like it might have once been an office for a foreman.  They might be the corpse webbed up over in the corner.  Rather ominously, you also see the remnants of hatched eggs, although it looks like whatever was in them hatched out a long time ago.

The key to the workshed can be found in here, hanging from a hook.

This is also one of the potential locations the GRUB QUEEN can lay an egg in (as hinted by the broken eggshells).  If she has trapped the player into ejaculating into her at other locations on the level, the player will see a special event play out as they enter the room.

A portal opens in the back wall.  The GRUB QUEEN inserts her abdomen through and lays an egg in the corner of the room.

This is a freebie for the player and an easy to way to get rid of one of the extra eggs.


This is a large storage area for lower value items to be stored in bulk before being distributed.  The main floor area is subdivided.  Some of those dividers have collapsed.  The building is empty and in disrepair.

It's also infested with BUG GIRLs.  As with the outside compound area, the area is big enough that there will be multiple 'nodes' the player traverses through.  Each costs time and might come with a combat encounter as BUG GIRLs come at the player in ones, twos, or even threes.  There is also various loot scattered about.

At the far end are three 'office' rooms.  There is also a level above them, but the wooden staircase leading up to it has collapsed.  The player can see daylight, indicating a hole in the roof and possible way up there.


The last warehouse was used to store precious metals and jewellery.  The door is unlocked, but inside the player will be jumped by 2 BUG GIRL.


As they're fairly weak, they will tend to come in twos and threes, possibly with additional team-up attacks.

Because the warehouse was used to store precious metals and jewellery, the loot in here is good.  The player will also see even more impressive loot at the back of the room, but through the bars of a thick iron cage.  The door is locked and the key is hidden behind a puzzle in the admin building.  Getting in is optional, but the player will be reward with valuable loot if they do.


The door isn't locked, but it is blocked by something heavy on the other side and you can't force it.

The player can search for another way in.  This will take some time.  Or they could have been tipped off by the NPC MERCHANT.

The lower right corner of the building appears to be damaged.  Some of the stones have been pulled away and a small crawlspace excavated beneath the corner of the building.  This is hidden by long weeds so it might require a special spot check to find.  The player can use it to crawl into the interior of the building.

Inside is an empty warehouse.  Everything is covered in dust and festooned in thick cobwebs.  Rather disturbingly, you make out cocooned shapes on the floor that look about the same size as human adults.

The player can explore the interior of the warehouse.  In which case they will find one of the eggs.  Or a BUG DAUGHTER if sufficient time has elapsed.


The BUG DAUGHTERs are slightly harder than the regular BUG GIRLs.  They have additional lewd attacks that a very effective against their 'father'.  They also have stat boosts dependent on which stat was drained from the player.

I did think about giving each BUG DAUGHTER a slightly different special hentai attack depending on the stat drained.  I think this works against the mechanics of the level.  The player will want to see what these extra sex attacks are, which goes against the aim of the level being to find and break the eggs before they hatch.  That might be fine if this was spun off into a separate game idea in its own right.

After destroying the egg or defeating the daughter, the player can search the warehouse more thoroughly.  This will turn up more loot, but also advance the time counter.


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