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The week was a little disrupted by the holiday season and World Cup beers.  Despite that, I got a decent chunk done.

The new jellyfish girl harlot is written.  I quite like how she turned out.  I was thinking of holding her back for a level-drain RPG idea, but then her HoHH mechanics dropped into place, so I thought I'd write her for that.  I remember someone asking for a tentacle dress girl.  She's a little different, but in a similar vein.  She'll be the first of the next batch of harlots for people to vote on.

I've also typed up 'red symbiote'.  Her and 'black symbiote' aren't quite ready for implementation, as I need to do a little bit of research for Spanish slang and terms of affection, and regional differences of those ('red' is Spanish Spanish, 'black' is Mexican/Central American Spanish).  Expect a plea for help on that sometime mid week.  If any of my patrons are native Spanish speakers, I'd love your help on this to make sure I get both of their dialogues right.

I wanted to say I'd finally written Dancing Lamia as well, but fell a few pages short last night.  She is pretty close to done.  I just have her alt Bad Ending scene to finish off.  I think she'll be worth the wait when I finally get her out.  One of her scenes is really hot and the other... will probably do a good job of inspiring people to try and unlock the other! :)

Looking at how the last couple of months have panned out, I think putting the incomplete harlots like Dancing Lamia on the poll turned out to be a mistake.  I haven't really been able to launch myself into new short stories while I still have those to finish off.  Writing Jellyfish Girl has also got my brain working on new harlot scenarios again.  While I'm in that space I might spend the rest of the month finishing Mindflayer Girl and rattling off a couple of new scenarios for the next batch.

I'll see how it goes.

Rather than hold something back, I'll try to get all 3 harlots added this month (Red and Black Symbiotes, and Dancing Lamia).  The last few releases have been fairly small, so I might as well put out a bigger one if they're ready.

Thanks for the support!
- manyeyedhydra



I'm Spanish Spanish, and I can help with some slang ask freely


Cheers. I need to give both a first editing pass to find out what things I need to look up, then I'll post something on Wednesday and ask patrons to fix various broken sentences of Spanish. :D