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A typical first week of the month where I start off slow and then give myself a kick up the ass to get moving.

Black 'Symbiote' is typed up and about 4K words.  One thing I'll probably be asking for help with is some of the Spanish slang, either before or after she comes out.  I'll post more details of that when I've typed Red 'Symbiote' up.

Progress on Dancing Lamia is still a little juddering.  She has two scenes depending on how much she likes the player.  I've written the first and just have the second to go (the full sex scene for when she really likes the player).

I also had a really good idea for a jellyfish girl harlot.  Technically, I shouldn't be writing new harlot scenes at this point, but when both the monster girl and scenario mechanics drop into place, I think it's best to write the idea when it's 'hot'.  That's in progress.

Because I don't have much to implement in Twine at the moment, I'm still chipping away with Godot.  It's mostly low-level text parsing stuff to chop the harlot scenarios up into readable passages where all the options and branching paths are done behind scenes.

(There might be a useful little engine there - one idea I like is 'stories' which play out differently depending on character stats.  Like a CYOA, but with a lot extra going on).

Still not entirely sure what the plan for December is.  If black and red symbiote are done by the time I've finished Dancing Lamia, maybe I'll put out all three harlots to make up for the slower progress in recent months.  I do want to find time to get some new short stories written though.

Thanks for the interest and support.
- manyeyedhydra 


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