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It's the first update post of the New Year.  It's also right after I put out a new HoHH release, so that's the main thing I did last week.  This time I also have a little extra update news.  Right after putting the release out I had the weekend free, so I finished off writing Pel "Perfect"'s scenario.  This means I now have 4 new harlots queued up and ready to type up and implement.

As is customary, I normally use the post-release updates to look ahead to the next month.  As it's a new year, I thought I'd look back over 2021 as well.

I used to dislike writing end-of-year summaries on my blog.  For few years in a row they felt more like whining pity fests as one idea or another ran aground.  2021 seemed pretty good on the productivity front.  I stayed focused on the current project, managed to put a new release out every month, and mostly stayed pretty disciplined.  I think maintaining these regular weekly update posts (and a monthly release schedule) has been really helpful on that.

"House of Hellish Harlots" has evolved a little since the initial conception.  The harlot scenarios are longer and more complex than I initially planned.  At first I was concerned it would drag out the project too long, but I think they're better if I apply the same level of detail as I would to the sex scenes in my stories and I think "better" is better than "quicker."  Even with the slower production, the project has steadily accumulated content.  There are currently 44 different harlots in the House, which is already far more characters than most monster girl porn games contain.

That said, I would like to take it to some sort of finish point, and so I'll be continuing to add more harlots over the course of the next year.  Assuming the project remains as a Twine text project, I estimate it's currently about 40-50% complete depending on how much longer and more complex the special "Queen" scenarios are.

Unfortunately, while my focus has been much better, it does mean I've neglected my regular stories (Succubus Summoning in particular).  For 2022, I want to try and find a better balance between working on HoHH and writing the odd new story here and there.  This is also slightly forced on me.  My old publisher, eXcessica, has shut their doors, which means most of my books are currently unpublished.  I'll need to fix that pretty sharpish!  I'm planning to put aside a couple of days next week to get the Succubus Summoning books back up.

As for the short story collections, I'm going to take the opportunity to rebrand those as a series.  I wrote a post about that on my blog here.

This means January will continue to be a little chaotic as I'll need to spend some time getting the old books republished and maybe redoing some aspects of the "A Succubus for" collections.  Currently I have a nice stockpile of stories written over the past few years.  I think I need to write 3 new ones and that will complete a 7th collection.  That is something I should target doing, ideally before the middle of next year.

At the moment I'm tentatively targeting another smallish HoHH release at the end of January of maybe just the Love Heart Succubus and one other harlot.  This should give me a chance to stockpile a lot of new harlot 1st drafts and then we can get back to voting the order they get added as we did at the start of last year.

Definitely a lot to do, but I feel reasonably organised about it.

As always, many thanks for the continued support and I hope you'll stay with me throughout 2022.
- manyeyedhydra


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