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Either one last release for 2021 or the first of 2022 depending on where you are.

This adds 1 new harlot - the big boobfairy Cruiscíní Gadaí-na-Duine.

Cruiscíní is an unusual harlot.  She's the bigger version of Cíocha Gadaí-na-Bod.  Her scenario has a strong vore theme (she's heavily influenced by Sarus's Boobfish story) and also some strong lactation fetish elements (although very fucked up lactation elements!).

She's unusual because she can either show up on her own or with her little sister, Cíocha.

On her own she's a medium difficulty scenario.

If Cíocha is present, the scenario is much harder.  What will also make this harder is that certain factors have precedence over each other.  There are a couple of charms that will help, but they only offer limited protection and won't save the player from bad choices or if the player has picked up the wrong ailments.

Similar to Osculia, this is another test case of harlots setting future events.  Now, as has been hinted all along, Cíocha does come back with her big sister, and that can be quite a dangerous (but still pleasurable) encounter for the player.

It is another shortish release, as this has been a fairly busy month for other things.  I hope you enjoy playing with Cruiscíní.  As always, if you notice anything screwy, let me know in the comments below.

Oh, and Happy New Year!  This has been one of the weirder New Year's Eves for me, but given how the rest of December has been, I'm just glad to have a free day (and night) where I can put a solid amount of hours in on the project!  I'll catch up on beers later, and I hope you all have a great New Year!



M.E. providing us with content for a slippery slope right into 2022 >< Huzzah! for your seemingly endless Fountain of Succ 🎉 Now it's time for Bed-chan tho! 😴


Happy New Year! This is one of the only games that's prompted me to make a spreadsheet to try and keep track of everything. Looking forward to continuing to go insane trying to figure everything out in 2022 lol.

Smith lfarrel

Happy new year Hydra! Always appreciate you going above and beyond to provide your amazing content to us! Hope you do get to catch up on those beers and get some you time. Thanks again!


Happy New Year!


Happy new year! Couple quick questions, is this meant to be just the demo version? And is there a way to request both boobfairies together? Or do they just have a chance to both appear together? Thanks.


Yep. As I add more harlots I'll push the number of playable rounds back and reveal more of the overall plot. Only way to get both boobfairies together is to request Ciocha and survive her scenario (not too difficult - if you keep dying to her, vary your starting personality traits), then she'll show up the next round with Cruiscini (as long as Cruiscini hasn't already been visited).


This is my favorite so far, especially if you've visited her little friend before. I'm genuinely curious though, what inspired the design? I have a bit trouble imagining her thigh/vagina/mouth visually and thought you possibly had some existing monstergirl as inspiration.