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A short update this week. The technical problems that have been bedeviling my laptop for the past month finally precipitated to it becoming unusable.

Nothing to panic about.  Aside from it catching me out with the crash last month, I've been aware it's on its last legs, so everything that needed to be backed up to an external hard drive has been.  I have a new one ordered and on the way.

I took that as a sign to take a few days off and recharge, so not much progress overall.  Sometimes a short break is required to clear the head.

My plan is for v0.026 to have Misty, and both the little and big boobfairies.  Misty's 1st draft is now fully written and about half is typed up.  Little boobfairy is edited and ready to implement.  Big boobfairy's 1st draft is in progress.

Because of the technical difficulties I've been having this month, and the usual hassle of getting a new laptop set up with relevant software, I suspect I'll be a couple of days late with this one, so I ask for patience and understanding.

The same is true for the public release of v0.025.  I'll look to put v0.026 out for patrons, then update the houseofhellisharlots.com website with v0.025.  This way I can keep a month gap between them.

Hopefully, once the new machine is up and running, that will be the end of the technical problems for a while!

Thanks for the support.
- manyeyedhydra

Quick update [25/10/21]: New laptop has arrived and I've got everything transferred over.  Should hopefully get back to normal now.



Have you considered making a (private) GitHub repo so you don't lose your work if something breaks?