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I found a plugin to embed twine stories into a wordpress site and managed to get something up.

It can be found at www.houseofhellishharlots.com

The site is currently very minimalistic.  I was going to use some temporary art, but wasn't very happy with how that was looking.  I need to do some more tinkering with the various tools until I'm more comfortable with using them.  In this case I thought having something so minimalistic it has an aura of mystery would be better than a "babbie's first website" breaking a ton of rudimentary design rules!

For now, it has the base functionality I wanted - a website with a big "play" button that loads up the twine game when pressed.  Try it out and let me know how you get on.

Now I have something in place, I'll look to expand it later.  Any suggestions for useful things to have?  (Aside from artwork.  I know it needs artwork!)

The aim of putting a non-paywalled demo out there is to try and attract more interest (and hopefully funding!).  I want patrons to get something for their support, so I'll be staggering releases.  You'll get the new content 2 months before I update it on the website.  I'll also continue to run polls to let patrons have a say in what content gets added.

Any feedback gratefully received.  As is probably apparent, my web coding lags a long long way behind the writing skills! :D


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