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For real this time.  I goofed, but thankfully it was a minor one.  This was an embarrassing bit of code:

/* Turn on/off vision charm */
<<if $player.charms.includes(13)>>
   <<set $player.hasVision to true>>
   <<set $player.hasVision to true>>

Ahem....  Oh dear.

I'll delete the previous post to prevent confusion over the versions.  The text of that post detailing all the changes is below:

Before people get too excited, this is just the interim release.  There are no new harlots.  It just fixes and tidies up the things I ran out of time to do for ver0.019.  So in that regard, treat it as a ver0.019a.  There will be a proper release with new harlots at the end of the month (or early next month).

Here is the list of changes:

- Nurse Honey now cures Potion Addiction.  Technically she did before, but because of how Potion Addiction works, the conditions to pick it up were triggering again at the beginning of the next round, making it look like she hadn't cured it.

- I reworked the "Eye of Eric Leidorf" charm.  This is the 'vision' charm that allows players to see a harlot's true form when she's first introduced.  It was causing a continuity snarl as the player picks up the charm between introductions and visiting the harlot.  However, the text variants in the room were assuming the player saw the true form during introductions, causing a continuity error.  Adding clauses to check if it's the first round the charm is picked up seems unnecessarily complex, so the current fix is to delay its effect from starting until the beginning of the next round.

(This was the hardest to test, so it might have some odd interactions that I might have missed.  Let me know if you notice anything strange.)

- Updated all the scenarios so that the semen-draining Bad Ends show semen count going to 0.  This is a minor nitpick fix to stop it looking odd when the sidebar still says the player has 'Floods' of semen while the text describes them being drained to empty by a succubus.

- Tweaked the text flow on returning from Harlot Socialising so it doesn't just jump straight into The Madam's 'hub' dialogue.  It also removes that ugly blank passage if the player leaves Acarina without asking about her vampiric boobies.

- Updated the Portly Gentleman's comments on Sapoonis to take into account the early leave path where the player refuses to massage Sapoonis's breasts.

- A lot of corrections to fix typos/bad grammar people have spotted and an instance of test code showing up outside of testing.

- Some behind scenes stuff removing a bunch of deprecated passages that weren't being used anymore.

There is one remaining bug I know of, but I've left as is.  If you repeat visit a harlot and don't do anything new with her, she won't show up for 'scoring' with the Portly Gentleman.  I'm probably going to overhaul repeat visits to treat them as additional scenarios, so it doesn't make sense to fiddle around with code that's likely going to be changed in the future anyway, especially as it's extremely rare for this to come up.

Anyway.  These are just some minor fixes I wanted to get out of the way before putting a public demo out.

As for putting that demo out, I'm still floundering.  It will happen, but I'm conscious I've fallen behind a little on new harlot scenarios, so I need to concentrate on that for the next week or so.



Love the game so far! It’s fun and clever and can only imagine how much thought and work it’s taken.


I do hope you’ll develop continuation scenarios for repeat visits with the various harlots, or at least some. I could imagine a lot of fun shifts abnd new dangers and surprises as the player spends more time with a harlot, gets softened up by her, becomes infatuated. (What changes after you become the boob slave of suffocatrix mamilla for instance? Does it get harder to resist Boobella’s entreaties to keep fucking? What happens if see Sammy again and tell her what you know? Etc. I know this all yet more work, and there’s a lot to do on the game. But I suspect we all have our favorites and I’d rather have some scenario continuation with existing harlots over more harlots, fwiw. Anyway, thanks for creating such a fun game


The rough plan is to put out a lot of basic harlot scenarios and then poll patrons to determine which get additional material. (Sammy will anyway, as I already have a loose arc plotted out for her.)