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I said I was re-working some of the old H-space bestiary stories.  Here's one of them.  I can't put this one on Literotica as the original version is already on there.  It's the Sun Lamia story.  You can read the original at this link:


The goal of the re-works is to take the originals (which are mostly just the monster girl sex scene) and add a story to them.  That should then turn them into a complete short story similar to the ones I've put in various collections over the years.  Once I have enough (13 or so), I'll send them off to the publisher as a themed collection to go up on Amazon and other sellers.

The sun lamia story was one of the more complete ones (which is why I put it up on literotica), but it did get some negative/neutral comments about being too short.  I've added some more interaction between Bate and the scarlet imp, and added more hints of world-building for the sun lamia's temple.  That actually took two attempts to get right, but I think it's now a much more atmospheric setting rather than a short, vague paragraph Bate passes through before getting jumped.

I'm putting this one up to get reader's impressions.  While I want to get the stories up to a target word count of 4-5K, the additions should add something and not just be needless padding.

So let me know what you think.

I've attached the newer version as both a word .doc and a .pdf.  I hope you enjoy it.



It was good, I think. But personally, I would find it way more appealing to buy the whole collection if there are like one or two unique stories in there, rather than just the reworks. Maybe that is just me, but usually your stories are already on a polished level once your release them. So no reason to keep polishing something that is already good.


It will likely follow the same rules as my other collections in that there will be 3+ brand new stories in there. I have a new one in progress, but I'll probably put that out for patrons to read next week, if it's finished.


I remember reading the original a long time ago, when you first wrote it. I think this one is a better version of it. I do enjoy when you use very scent based attacks for the hindigs. One of my favourite stories of yours was hookah'd. You'e written some fantastic H-space stories. The transformation one was pretty great too. There are some stories you've written that I'd be curious if there was an outcome. The one where the monster girl sank the guys yacht. Incursion into our world is a fascinating concept. The hindigs being able to move whole towns into their space. The mystery of Bate himself. I'd be very curious to see how the moon goddess devours her prey. I enjoy the world developing aspects you put in the new version. As a writer myself, I can definitely say that what you added wasn't needless padding. It was well paced and it left me with questions and that is always a good thing. I was wondering if you might have an assassin style monster girl, who uses camouflage and disguise to get into camps and kill off the commanding officers to leave the camps in disarray for when the main attacks come. What happens when the military become aware of it. What measures they take or are taking because of incursions. Adaptation of tactics is such a fascinating subject.


I've written a couple that cover the infiltration side of things. Succubus Cloud had one sneak in and take out an officer. I wasn't too happy with how that one turned out, so it's further down the todo list while I figure out how to rescue it. I have a rough approximate timeline for H-space. The standalone and Bate short stories all reference the various events. They are out of order, so it's left as an exercise for the reader to piece the overall story together. As for the adaptation of tactics, this is one area where I'm hoping Patreon will be useful. If I put out a story here, and someone with better military knowledge goes "Hey, that doesn't make sense because of X, Y, Z", I can fix it before it reaches publication. House of Hellish Harlots will still be the major focus for the rest of 2020. Fixing up, or writing new H-space stories (or SS 301 chapters) will be a decent escape valve if I find I'm locking up on HoHH. (I really should have done this in June, early July!)