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A better week.  Still slow as I'm still trying to remove myself from annoying distractions, but I did get a chunk of writing done.  I had a block on dancing lamia, so I switched to the mysterious boob smother lamia.  I'm liking how her scenario is coming along and the way she fits in with some of the other characters.  I had rough ideas for clans and one is now starting to take shape (although I still don't know what their "Queen" will be).

I think I might also add a hypnotic lamia.  Like her sister, Dancing Lamia's scenario has gone off in a different direction to what I first intended and some of the ideas I had seem suited for another character.

Overall, the month has not been the best for reasons outside of my smut writing.  I need to be better disciplined at ignoring outside distractions.  This is too good of an idea to fuck up! :)

At this point I think I'll be pushing the next release into July, but not too late hopefully.  Apologies for that.  It's not been the best month.  If I find I'm still struggling, I might do what I did earlier in the year and switch to a short story just to clear the head and refocus.

Also, I've been receiving emails from Patreon about sales tax.  I'm not sure of the details, but it seems like subs will now have sales tax added or something.  I suspect Patreon are being cowardly and trying to get the creators to break the bad news.  I don't think it will affect people here too much because I deliberately keep my subs low (because I know I sometimes have months like this), but for those of you subbing more (which I really appreciate), just be careful Patreon doesn't spike you with an unexpected tax increase.  And as I mentioned a few months back, with the coronavirus situation and economies struggling, be sure to take care of yourself first.

A disappointing month overall.  My fault for letting myself get distracted by external matters.  I hope to get those sexy snek girls out for you to play with as soon as I can.

Many thanks for your interest and support.
- manyeyedhydra


Jimmy the Cannon

Oooh yes hypnotism would be fantastic.


Hypnotic snakes eh? Shades of Kaa? Hydra to violate another cherished pop culture icon? Count me in I can see hypnosis working very nicely with your existing game mechanics to set up a cat (or snake I suppose) and mouse scene


The original lamia was meant to be a Will stat check (to complement Anna Boa, who is mainly concerned with strength). Then she turned in Calliophi and did something else, so I created Dancing Lamia, who is now doing something else. Such disobedient sisters. :D I'm still debating whether to give gluttonous lamia the hypnotic ability. I have her good end and bad end scenes fleshed out in my head, but not the conditions for them yet. I don't think she fits where I want to use the hypnosis scene (because she'll be doing something else). I might save it for another monster girl type - probably vampire.


Maybe for a seductive hypnotic vampiress like the one in the Monster's episode "Pool Sharks"?