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And we're moving again.

There was an annoying block, as unfortunately happens from time to time.  I seem to be coming out of it now.  Currently I'm deep in writing the 1st of the 3 sexy snek girls - the dancing lamia.  As I did have a minor stutter at the start of the month, it looks like this month's release will be the snake girls and the minor gift revamp.

The 1st draft is always the slowest part.  I'm hoping to get into the typing up and implementation next week.

Thanks for your continued support and interest.
- manyeydhydra



Had a particularly busy few weeks so this is a bit later than ideal but some feedback on the last version: Baloobia - not really my thing but I did like the humour of the snail's pace pursuit. I also liked the sense of rivalry with succubi - more on this in a minute Va-kyuuma - again, not really a particular taste of mine - although not something I previously knew much about. I quite liked these scenes but I was a bit disappointed that the merciless tease was not more protracted and tantalising - maybe that's a natural limit of the format compared to a standalone short story. I also enjoyed the 'pregnancy bump' Calliophi - very much enjoyed her scenes. She seems to have perhaps a bit more of a develop character than some others and I especially liked the look-ahead mentions of her dancing sister A few general thoughts spurred by this update: I was intrigued by the mentions of "The Doctoress" and "Priti Nāndyāh" - I'm hoping we see more of these threads in future with other harlots, perhaps these are the first breadcrumbs of the 'Queens' that you mentioned previously? I wouldn't necessarily expect you to comment! For me at least, this update continues to show your strategy of investing in more repeat visits with fewer harlots is a good one - repeat scenes are inherently going to be rarer and thus have extra incentive to find and they, for my taste, are more rewarding and interesting. I wonder how far this can be pushed before it could become too hard to manage - the slime girl/succubus rivalry made me wonder about whether you could build in some sort of mechanics around being in/out of favour with one faction or the other and how that might influence the scenes you get but also open up the possibilities of having the player act as an agent of a given faction - e.g. maybe you could see other patrons of the house (aside from the portly gentleman) in the lounge and warn them about how to survive specific encounters to deny one faction sustenance, or maybe the player could strike devil's bargains with harlots to save themselves in exchange for guiding other hapless patrons into their clutches Another enjoyable iteration. Hope the productivity gods are favouring you at the moment and looking forward to the next update


The whole "devil's bargains" aspect was something that I was thinking about when I read that Nurse Honey forced her way into the House. The goal of the game is to survive the House, right? And so far you do this by just surviving the night until its morning I assume. How about other ways? Like for example helping the Madam and the House in itself getting rid of Nurse Honey. And as a reward you are allowed to leave. Or maybe you unlock the scene with the Madam. On the other side you could maybe also side with Nurse Honey and get a unique scene if you do whatever she wants in the House.


The work you have done so far is very outstanding, thank you for writing down your ideas and creative, lewd thoughts, turning them into a game! Especially Boobella caught my interest, I believe she is one of the best made characters so far and I hope it will be possible to encounter her more often, with certain dialogue included of course. What I am missing however, is rolling ability dices like strength to throw the ladies over, or pull free from coils, or willpower, to resist charms, a little more teasing and tempting, luring, showing the player how good the pleasure could be, for the risk of possible death. I am really looking forward for the whole game to progress!


I've been avoiding stats rolls for this project. I do want to do something like Monster Girl Quest where a sexy succubus or monster girl gets more and more in control of the player until the inevitable Bad End as I think the interactivity works really for those scenes. House of Hellish Harlots is mostly about keeping the harlots mysterious and having the player work out what factors affect the scenario. A hidden RNG element would make that impossible as they could go in with high strength, but then fail on a 5% chance and the player wouldn't know because everything is hidden behind the scenes.