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Here is the weekly update.  As with all things coding, things take longer than I think.

I'm now at the debugging stage.  So far the easy stuff looks fine - a few formatting fixes, editing typos, etc.

Sugarcube for Twine does have a few quirks related to arrays.  I'm reading up on workarounds at the moment.  I'll probably do a full post on it after the scenario is released.  One of the things I promised with the Patreon was to also give patrons access to the behind the scenes stuff, and tips and tricks to avoid quirks like this will be helpful to anyone wanting to write their own sexy succubus/monster girl scenarios.

I'm also thinking of disabling backtracking (if possible).  I didn't spot it with the original Arachne scenario as I'm still learning with Twine games.  They have back and forth navigation by default, which is normally a nice quality-of-life navigation feature.  However, rewinding to avoid bad stat check rolls does seem to be against the spirit of things, so I might look to disable that.

Also look out for the second, Patreon-only, post I'll be putting out today (or ASAP).  That concerns credits and opt-in/opt-out, so please check that out and give me feedback.

I think I'm fairly close to release, but given how accurate estimations are a massive weakness of mine, I'm going to hold off on predicting any exact timeframe (that "I think it will ready by next week" comment I made a few weeks ago turned out to be monumentally stupid!)

My plan is to release the scenario as an HTML file on Patreon first, and then upload it for everyone else on philome.la a week later.

Once again, thanks for your patience and understanding.  As I do more of these I will (hopefully!) get quicker and gain a better understanding of how long things take!



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