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Actually, it isn't.  However, my estimations at how long things will take...

Turns out there was a little bit more than just plugging text into the existing skeleton.  There was also a hefty bit of formatting and some tinkering with conditional logic.

The CYOA scenario breaks down roughly into 12 segments.  9 of those are wired up, 3 are still to go, and I'll be plowing through them over the next couple of days and the weekend.

I'm going to avoid predictions of release dates in the future as I'm not very good at it and got caught out by the scale on this one.  Feels bad to build up people's expectations and then find out what I thought was 2 days work turned out to be 2 weeks.

I will continue to post updates on where I am to give an idea of where the project is at.

Apologies for being off with the estimates.  I will try to get Volumpula out as soon as possible.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.

Early days, but I also have ideas for the next scenario.  I think it will be an Alraune or Dryad and feature lots of very naughty flowers.

- manyeyedhydra


Smith lfarrel

Looking forward to it! Thanks for keeping us updated :)