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Getting back to it, but still a few disruptions with some IRL distractions and of course Elden Ring. Y u make the game so big, Miyazaki! :D

The last day of the month is normally where I like to post new releases. Unfortunately I'm still deep in writing Temptacia, so she's not ready yet. I did think about switching to get a new experimental 1.5 version out and have that be June's release, but that would mean cutting into the time that would be otherwise spent writing Temptacia, and I'd rather keep plugging away on her in my designated writing slot. This means I still have a couple of harlots left to properly test before I can put out a proper HoHH1.5 demo.

I think the mini-bosses are so big in word count they break my usual monthly release model. I think the best way to handle them going forward is to just put them out when they're done, so continue to expect the release schedule to be a little erratic for these.

Currently I'm still working out how to handle the HoHH1.5 demo release. While I changed my mind on rushing out an experimental version for the end of the month, I think I might still go ahead and put it out next week or the week after. It's not quite where I want it to be for a full public release, but it would probably help me a lot to have you all look it over first to catch anything I might have missed. This will be especially important for people playing on mobile devices.

Marwmellow has sent me the preliminary sketches for the next batch of harlots. There is one more batch to go after this and that will cover all 36 of the Tier 1 harlots. That will be when I want to put out a full public demo, but I think it will be good to let everyone here get a look at it first (with placeholder art for the missing harlots).

My plan is to switch everything over and discontinue the text-only version as soon as I've completed the first round of mini-bosses, so I want to make sure that switchover is smooth.

There are also some other things I need to have ready for a public demo release (mainly a proper title screen!) but I'll talk about that more next month.

Apologies for the lack of a June release. Hopefully July will make up for it once I start pushing out the HoHH1.5 releases (with actual harlot art incorporated!)

- manyeyedhydra



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