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My quest to actually get to the Elden Ring DLC is still ongoing, so my usual schedule is a little disrupted.

A couple of days later than normal, here is the harlot spotlight on Kanna bi Grafolita.

Kanna's is another filler harlot, in that she doesn't belong to any faction. She's another example of the problem when you create the harlots first and try to fit them to a faction afterwards. Some elements of her would suggest a fit for the sensuality faction, but her personality doesn't quite fit and neither do her mechanics. The slug girl, Veronicella, has similar problems. She's in that faction for now, but I can see myself moving her to factionless at some point.

I can't actually remember too much about where the idea came from. She is a nod to the hookah-smoking caterpillar from Alice in Wonderland, but I can't remember why I decided to write her.

I did want to make her less predatory than my usual succs and monster girls, and so gave her more of a hippy flowerchild stoner personality. She's another harlot that doesn't really want to kill the player if she can avoid it.

Her mechanics are fairly straightforward – the player pretty much has to choose to Bad End, either by choosing to try her stronger stuff, or trying to struggle free from her body once her true form is revealed. She's another one where having a max value in a stat isn't always a good thing. With her scenario, having a high CON value makes it harder to get pleasantly stoned, which then opens up the Bad End choices. This makes her perfect for the Tier 1 bracket.

Kenkou Cross's Wonderwurm from his Monster Girl Encyclopedia wasn't an inspiration for Kanna, funnily enough. After I wrote her, I remembered he was using Alice in Wonderland as references for some of his designs and then went over to check what his take on the hookah caterpillar girl was. I then saw the wonderwurm and was a little envious I hadn't taken that approach. She does look very seductive and comfy.

I did flesh out some ideas for a similar caterpillar girl harlot, maybe one with links to Kanna. I ran out of space for her in the end, but the idea and notes are there in case I add new harlots later.

And for the in-universe lore.

There's not too much here. Within the House, Kanna is a placid stoner girl that keeps to herself. Lust daemons are more into the high of having sex (lots of it), so Kanna and her desire to just get stoned makes her a bit of an oddity.

The Elegant Woman has a little bit of fondness for her. As has been strongly hinted, The Elegant Woman specialises in sexy smoke magic, which the player will be able to experience firsthand when I finally get around to writing her scenario. They both share a love of smoke, of various types.

(Although I suspect The Elegant Woman would never deign to let herself get stoned. She's far too sophisticated for that!)

Is there a future butterfly form Kanna can morph into? Maybe. I don't know yet. That might be her final form, or her type of lust daemon might go through various metamorphosises. I've left that open for now.

Art is by Marwmellow and I think this might be one of my favourite harlot pieces he's done so far. She came out a little different to the hippy flowerchild I imagined, but I love the details on the robe and the hookah. It looks like a nice piece of fantasy art you'd find in a mainstream RPG book.

Let me know what you think down below!



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