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After taking a week off to finish off HoHH v0.055, it's time to return to the harlot spotlights. This week it's the infamous "Dick-Destroying Fairy": Sgriosar Balgan-Buachair.

Sgriosar is one of the succufairies. I'll talk about them in more detail when I get to Cèis nan Cridheachan. The main spark of demented inspiration was to look at starfish and use that to solve the "fairy problem". The succufairies are too small to fit a penis inside them, so the solution is to have them evert their vaginas inside out and enfold the penis that way.

(It's me, what did you expect!)

Cèis was the first and "vanilla" implementation of the idea. As frequently happens, writing her gave me inspiration for other succufairies. As if Cèis isn't already weird enough, I then had Balla – who is able to evert her vagina into a man's ass to massage his prostate. If Balla can do that, then what about an even more skilled succufairy able to evert her vagina down a man's urethra?

And then horror-head hijacked the proceedings by having her be able to… I won't spoil it for people that haven't read her scenario, but be warned, it is rather gruesome and not very erotic.

To be honest, I thought that was a bit too far, even for me.

I was very hesitant about including her. What swung it over was coming up with a back story to explain how she became like she was. And in coming up with the back story, it also gave me an idea for a side quest where – if the right conditions were met – the player could eventually "fix" her.

The side quest ideas are stubs for now. I implemented one for Suffocatrix Mamilla as proof of concept and I have ideas for more. First priority is to get all the basic harlots in place, including the mini-bosses and queens. Then I'd like to add some little side quests leading to various secret endings. Sgriosar will likely figure in one of those.

As for the lore.

The Elegant Woman has the full story if you speak to her. Sgriosar was a fairly talented succufairy with a similar philosophy to Calliophi – giving pleasure is more important than taking souls.

Then something went wrong. A human broke free of her restraint magic and – maddened by the state of arousal she'd induced in him – attempted to use her like a fleshlight. Being a daemon, she was durable enough to survive that, but the experience traumatised her.

It's not really stated by the Elegant Lady, but with Sgriosar it was less the physical trauma (daemons in this universe have fairly strong regenerative capabilities) and more a sense of betrayal. Succufairies are soul stealers. Without The Madam's rules what they normally do is restrain a man with magic, pop out their vagina to envelop his dick, and then catch his soul with it after they make him ejaculate. Sgriosar is similar to Calliophi in that she puts her own hungers and desires aside to focus on providing purely beneficial pleasures. She made a sacrifice, and then to have it go wrong as it did was a mortal wound to her belief system.

Poor Sgriosar is a very broken little fairy.

I think Marwmellow's art does a great job of reflecting that. It's a really moody piece that depicts her perfectly.

I hope people like it. I appreciate it's not the conventional sexy you might expect to see in a H-game, but I really like it as a character piece. Let me know what you think below.



Najee Porche

Yikes. She just screams "I have daddy issues and I listen to death metal while in a dark room" vibe I do wonder what quest do we do to help her? After we do help her, we'll we live or she still kills us MEH?

Najee Porche

I also forgot to add that the reason why she wears a lot of baggy clothing is that she subconsciously doesn't want to be chosen. The lust daemons want to be desired by humans and will show a lot of skin, or will wear a skimpy outfit. So the fact that Sgriosar doesn't say anything to you in the Bar chat, doesn't even look interested in being there, and doesn't even flirt at all with you means that Sgriosar doesn't want to be in the House. My question is why MEH? Why is Sgriosar in the House if she is so disinterested in sex? How does she eat souls?


She should be a lot more friendly, but it might also be one of those secret ends where one of the harlots takes the player off somewhere to be their personal toy. Haven't decided yet.


She wants to come back and The Madam keeps giving her chances in the hope she'll get it right this time. Unfortunately, she doesn't, so The Madam gives a little break, and then gives her another chance. So the cycle repeats. She's trying in a broken way, but every time she sees an erect penis she flips out and it's another dead visitor. After this happening many times, even her trying is very half-hearted.