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It took a bit longer than I'd like, but I now finally have version 0.055 of House of Hellish Harlots ready for release. Once again, apologies for the delay. This was a big beast of a scenario that fought me all the way. I also ran into some problems with the algorithm used to determine whether the player survives or not. More on that later.

This release is a special one as it adds the first 'mini-boss' harlot to the House. These are higher ranking harlots within their respective factions and will be fixed to only show up on rounds 5 and 9 as sort of checkpoints. That's still a few releases off, so for now the mini-bosses will show up and can be requested the same as the other harlots.

Rwberia Godr-0-sgwid
Rwberia (it's pronounced Ruberia) is a special creation of The Doctoress - an artificial scylla with multiple suction tentacles to milk the cum from a man. She has a wide variety of tentacles - some reminiscent of real-life sex toys, others that are far more exotic. Each specialises in a different kind of stimulation, and Rwberia is aiming to trigger a critical ejaculatory response that will enable her to suck all the semen (and other fluids) out of a man.

Failing that, she'll be happy with sucking a load (or three) out for her producer.

This should also give an idea of my plans for the special 'mini-boss' scenarios. Because they have a fixed round, I wanted to give them a variety of H-scenes for the player to choose, so that the player won't get bored encountering them on subsequent runs.

I may have gone slightly overboard with Rwberia as she has 13 different specialised tentacles she can use on the player. Each scene is quite short, but that should give the player plenty of replay options every time he encounters her.

The other mini-bosses will likely have a smaller selection of scenes (around 5), but they will be longer.

They probably also won't have such a complex mechanic at the heart of the scenario to determine whether the player leaves afterwards or gets sucked dry.

That is one of the reasons why this release is a few days late. I had what I thought would be a really good idea to determine whether Rwberia's tentacle would suck the player dry or not. While that would work nicely with pre-built characters, for characters with random stats, it didn't work too well. Rwberia ended up being a little too lethal, and repetitive, as it was often the same tentacle doing the lethal sucking. I've tweaked it to get the survivability rates up, but I'm still not totally happy with it.

While the rules are fixed under the hood, it's probably going to be very difficult for the player to spot what's going on, which will make Rwberia a bit of a Russian Roulette octopus. Some visits will be fatal, and so disguised that the player might have a lot of trouble trying to work out why they were fatal. This is something I'd like to rectify in a future release, but for now this is also well overdue, the survivability rates are roughly about right as they are, so she'll be a scary Russian Roulette octopus for a bit until I can replace it with something better.

I've attached the raw .html in a zip file. As with the other releases, unzip and you should be able to play the file in your default browser.

For people with mobile devices where that's an issue, I've updated the houseofhellishharlots website.
The new password for the latest version is: yAFa@ip|eSJK7I6p

Once again, apologies for the delay. I'm hoping now that I've finally got the first 'mini-boss' out, the rest won't be as much of a fight.

I hope you have fun playing with Rwberia. Let me know what you think of her below. And also if you encounter any bugs and typos. I've tried to be fairly thorough in testing, but I suspect some errors might have slipped through given the crunch period and rush of trying to get it out.



Not a huge deal but is the version in the zip file an older/incomplete one? Doesn't seem to contain the full definitions.


It's the text-only version. I'm currently porting everything over to a new version with graphics and art, but I still haven't caught up to the base version yet. At some point I'll switch over completely, but for now new harlots will be released to the old version first.


A thought: are the mini-bosses canonically mini-bosses or only mechanically so to speak? If the former it would be nice to get a sort of drum-roll at the presentation and post-harlot stage. The main room goes hushed, the cries of captured souls bleeds through from the Dominions, after images of eldritch sigils flicker on the walls and floor of the House corridors, that kind of thing. Of course it would also mean different lead-ins for the Portly Gentleman and Elegant Woman on these stages so maybe too much of a pain.


A mixture of the two, I think. They are slightly more important individuals to their respective factions, but their lethality is respective to the round their encountered. The first lot of mini-bosses occur at round 5, so they're not really all that lethal. They just have more scenes. Power level is also a bit weird because of the in-universe 'game' The Madam is playing. Some of the harlots are deliberately holding back on their abilities because the weaker/"friendlier" harlots are introduced to new arrivals first and therefore get to see more men (or will be in the final game when move harlots to their appropriate round boundaries). This is hinted with Amoura and will be very apparent with Temptacia. The player will be very aware in that scenario that they're only leaving the room afterwards because Temptacia lets them. I'm still not sure what to do with the intro to the 5th round. It's a waypoint, but I also don't want it to seem too obviously a waypoint. Rather than an outright fanfare, I think I might just have the Barman or Elegant Lady drop some portentous hints. The background lore is that the mini-bosses are sort of captains for their respective factions and a man surviving to round 5 is where they start to take an interest and assess his suitability.