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#118 Neck Scissors Bubble Succubus
Another wrestling succubus. She's not as powerful or as strong as the others and can't really lock-in submission holds. Instead she tries to wrap her thighs around her opponent's neck. If he can't break out immediately, she'll envelop his head with a bubble blown by her vagina and fill it with toxic fumes to both subdue him and induce the overproduction of semen for her to suck out of his cock with her mouth.

I do have a lot of ideas for the femdom wrestling faction of HoHH. Maybe more than is actually needed, even after separating off the Huntress group. A lot of the ideas also overlap. This might be one of the stronger ones though. Mechanically she seems suited for Tier 1 as she's physically weak enough for it to be a low STR check. Of course the player can always choose not to struggle and take it... ;)

#117 Level-Drain Slime Bed
A large slime girl with enough mass to form a big blob beneath her. She draws a man into the blob and then rides on top cowgirl style. Her slime body is capable of forming a variety of comfortable orifices and she subjects the man to an all over erotic assault within her as she drains his energy and levels.

I think this was more for a generic H-RPG than HoHH, given that levels aren't really a thing in HoHH.

#116 Bubble Bed Succubus
A less sadistic variant of the bubble-tail succubus. She has both a bubbly demeanour and appearance. She blows a bubble big and sturdy enough to function as a bed, then snuggles up with someone on it. She's more about leisurely massages and slow comfortable sex. Most of the time she just gives people a really comfy night and lets them go the following morning.

Huh, are you okay, Hydra?

I gave horror-head the day off today. Normal evil succubus service will be resumed tomorrow.

#115 Kiss Drain Monster Girl
A monster girl with a heavy emphasis on kissing. She has sensual plump glossy lips. She also has additional lips at her nipples, navel and pussy. She subdues prey with draining kisses that leave lipstick marks all over their body. Her kisses induce euphoric paralysis, then she drains energy from a man's penis with any of her lips.

#114 Succubus Sex Foam Sprayer
A 'combat' succubus armed with a magic cannon that sprays copious amounts of paralysing foam. A low-powered succubus, her task is to capture humans for the various succubus clans to play with. The foam is both sticky and also causes humans to orgasm uncontrollably on skin contact.

She could be used both in the H-space setting and in HoHH. She would fit the Huntress faction, but would likely be more of a servant class tasked with capturing prey. The higher level huntresses then hunt that prey for fun.

#113 Bubble Scylla
Scylla monster girl that creates special sticky bubbles at the end of her tentacles. She applies these to the erogenous zones of her opponent to subdue them with pleasure. Once the man is subdued she engulfs his cock with a liquid-filled bubble and uses it to magically drain his energy.

This was originally an idea for a more generic H-RPG monster encounter. She could fit within the wrestling faction for HoHH although I don't know how her game mechanics work yet.

#112 Mummy/Flying Bolt

Monster girl that ties a man up with strips of cloth. Likes anal and will tighten her wrappings at the same time she tightens her ass around his cock. Probably a sadistic domme.

There might be two monster girl ideas here. The mummy girl has narrow bandages, while a flying bolt (yokai from Japanese myth) could maybe wrap up the whole man in a sheet of silk.



when you're done with HoHH, whats next?


Writing the Succubus Summoning 301 novel. I'll probably also keep adding new harlots and factions to HoHH afterwards.


100% Would sacrifice myself to the Kiss Drain lady ❤️ Also shoutout to the Bubble Bed Succubus as the rare succubus it's safe to cuddle up and binge-watch Star Trek with :D