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I've got a little backlog of harlot art at the moment, so I'm upping the harlot spotlights to 3 a month.  This means you get to see Pêl-Z Perffeithio's art a little earlier (and it's lovely comfy art).

Pêl-Z Perffeithio is The Doctoress's 'perfected' semen extraction unit.  The Doctoress's research requires copious amounts of human semen, so she has created a number of artificial beings in order to harvest it.  The Pêl units were intended to be bulk semen procurers.  Each unit is attached to a storage bladder that serves as both a storage container and comfortable cushion for the male to lie on while the Pêl sucks out his semen.

Unfortunately, The Doctoress's early attempts had flaws.  They tended to be too ruthless and annoyed The Madam, who expects her 'gals' to give the man a 'sporting' chance.

The Doctoress kept refining her design until she came up with Pêl-Z Perffeithio, the 'perfected' design.

Pêl-Z Perffeithio is much more gentle and empathetic.  She prioritises a man's comfort as she drains him, which makes the whole process extremely pleasurable for the man.  The only remaining flaw is her varying draining courses are programmed to take a fixed amount of fluids.  If a man doesn't have enough, Pêl-Z Perffeithio will still try to drain the fixed amount, which results in the death of the man.  However, this happens infrequently and The Madam has enough confidence in her to put her amongst her introductory harlots she uses to greet new arrivals.

And now the behind-scenes stuff.

The Pêl trio came about by accident.  The first was Pêl-O, which was an idea for an artificial being that was designed to harvest semen.  She came with a bouncy ball to have sex on, which also doubled up as a storage container for the harvested semen.  That fit perfectly for a faction of weird artificial beings (androids, robots, etc) that were made purely to suck cum.

The second was Pêl-V, which was a vore take on the concept and a nod to MGQ's Watermelon Girl.

As the different factions started to come together, I realised I had an open slot in the Tier 1 category and realised that would be a perfect fit for a much gentler Pêl.  She also completes the classic hentai trio of loli (ish), regular, and milf that shows up in order to give a good range of sexy body types.

It's also a nice subversion on how palette-swap monsters work in RPGs.  Usually the player meets the weaker version early, then progressively more advanced and stronger versions later on.  This inverts that.  Pêl-Z Perffeithio is the most advanced and recent model, and is likely the first the player will encounter, with the previous, more dangerous Pêls showing up later.

While I took some elements from Volumpula and the Pink Cushionblob daemons that show up in H-space, it doesn't necessarily preclude me putting one in at a future date.  The Doctoress likely was inspired by that type of daemon while making Pêl-Z Perffeithio, and how the original reacts to the artificial copy could add some interesting possibilities for harlot interactions and maybe even team-up scenarios.

Art is by Marwmellow.  More of their work can be found here



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