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Hey, meowsters 💗

I’m sorry for the delay. A lot of health issues still are persisting, I ended up in the ER 7 times within 2 weeks and now finally have a diagnosis. Last week I spent EVERY business day with a new dr, the ER, Cardiology, Primary Care, Internal Medicine, and Neurology. I still have MANY appointments ahead and tests, BUT I AM GOING TO PUT OUT AT LEAST ONE AUDIO AND STREAM A WEEK.

I’ll be limiting myself to whispered moans and less intensive stuff for the sake of my health, but HOPEFULLY I’ll be back to 100% soon so I can get into the nitty gritty of things :3 I love and miss you all.



Heath frist

Dragon Princess

We miss you too! But we would honestly rather have you rest please don’t push yourself and hope you get better soon


Thank you for the update, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we want you to be at your best, no matter how long it takes.

Joshua Whetsell

I know how that is. Make sure you get better.


Damn homie, stay strong. Kick whatever it is in the ass.


You get yourself better and please don't worry. Your self preservation and health is more important.


We miss you to. Just don't push yourself to hard until you've recovered.


Take your time :)

The Scar Of The Universe

Take care of yourself that’s all that matters hope you get better soon

JoJokester Florent

Dont push yourself too hard now, we all miss you but your own health is more important. Get well soon !


Take care of yourself, the rest can wait ❤️


Don't push yourself too hard. Please take care of yourself first and do get better soon. We'll still be here before and after you're top notch again. Much love!


I’m so sorry that you’ve been dealing with that. That must be terribly draining. Take your time coming back. Wish you the best of luck with all your upcoming appointments and tests. I’m really happy to hear that you’re feeling good enough to come back, even in a limited way. Excited to hear what you have coming. Take care of yourself❤️


Oh dear. Sounds like you have been having a time of things. Highest hopes things turn for the better for you soon


We're all wishing you a full recovery, no matter how long it takes. You know your limits and I'll be glad to see what you put out but if you need to wait for your health, please do so.

Nox Nemesis

Please take things at your own pace- your health is most important.


In the name of god I give you my wishes that you get better

Rogue TheUndying

Best Wishes to you getting better!


hope you get better soon, being in the ER so much sucks a million...

Urban Hermit

So sad you've been having such a difficult time recently! Please just focus on your recovery and don't worry about creating new content. We'll all still be here when you feel better!


Yikes. At least you have a diagnosis now. Hopefully you can finally recover in some way. What is it you’re dealing with if you don’t mind sharing?


I am no longer a follower of any faith, but I am willing to send prayers your way after going through all that.

mr. melon

DON'T. DIE. Prioritize you health seriously we the internet can get off to something else in the meantime just please focus on healing 🙏