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I’m so incredibly sorry for my lack of posting and answering messages. I’ve been hit with back to back health issues, the latest one putting me into the ER 3 times within the last week. I’m exhausted and unfortunately still suffering from the side effects of the black box medicine they injected me with. I’m going to do my damnest to get an audio out today OR Thursday. I love you guys so fucking much and owe you the world for your patience and support. You have no idea.



Health comes first. Get well soon


Mimi I know you’ve heard this a thousand times already but your health is more important. If you feel as though you must put out an audio soon please don’t push yourself past your limit. Hope you get well soon and safely. Keep being awesome


Bro, you don’t have to push yourself to give us content. Your long term wellbeing is way more important than the short term of “hnnng pretty lady whispers in my ear”


It’s ok your heath is important I much rather wait and hear your healthy and doing well then not take care of yourself your human you have needs we love you too and appreciate the work you do ik I do ever since joining I genuinely started sleeping better so thank you


Your health comes before anything, so don't worry about a thing.


Hand us the mic and let us ASMR it up. We will not disappoint I assure you hehehe I hope you get better by the way back problems are hell ;-;

Thomas Herrera

Like everyone before us, your health comes first. You should never apologize for taking care of yourself. If you are not at your best you can never give us your best. You come first. Please rest up and then get back to us when you are feeling better.

Thomas Herrera

I often say to my students as an educator, "Your health comes before everything else. I don't care if you have a thousand assignments due the next day, if you are sick you rest. You can't do well if you're not well." Please rest.


Take your time getting better and rest up. Your health is what comes first. You don't want to overdue it and overwork yourself. I speak from experience. Love your work and appreciate all you do! Much love and we'll see you when you're back at max capacity!


Take your time to rest,remember that your health and yourself are always in the first place (hope you get better and better 😊


Take care bro, get well soon


how you get well soon <3


Take care of yourself first

shahed alam

Taking care of yourself is the number one on your list. Don’t worry about us we’ll wait.

Dragon Princess

Don’t push yourself! We will be as patient as with you so rest up, your health is more important!

Karl Wikman

do what you need to, queen


You make sure that you get yourself well again. I'll be happy to support you no matter how active you are. ❤️

Joshua Whetsell

Your health comes first. Do what you have to. I definitely understand the multiple ER visits. Had a similar thing happen last year. You'll be just fine. Though your wallet may need counseling after.


Your health comes first. Rest and focus on yourself. After 3 ER visits Rest sounds like number 1 to focus on. not this


Stay safe and rest as much as you need to. No need to over exert yourself


Stay safe first, the rest will wait ❤️


Its Okay Mimi, take care of yourself 1st.

Servo Kamen

Be well! Take care of yourself.

mr. melon

Content can wait, your health cannot. Prioritize your health above all else, we will all be here waiting for your triumphant return ❣️


Your health is more important. Please take care of yourself and we will continue to be patient. Thank you for all you do!!!

Zachary Wood

Take care of yourself first. We will still be here after you are better.

Urban Hermit

Don't worry about making new content - we just want you to be healthy.

David Shepper JR

Make sure your health is good don’t strain yourself


Please don't worry about it. Your health needs to come first. Trust me, we understand completely.

Jonathan Williams

Rest up and heal hon. No need to apologize for taking care of yourself. 🙏🙏🫂💝


Take all the time you need. You have no idea just how important you are to your supporters. Please take care of yourself😣❤️❤️


You shouldn't feel like you need to especially if ur not feeling well. Hope you get better.


Holy shit, I hope your OK. Rest as long as need. It's important that you are healthy.


I don't want this to be taken as me pushing for content, but it has been nearly a week and a half since this post was made. Are you okay? You don't have to explain anything, just some sort of interaction so we know you're alive.


I don't know if it means anything to ya, but you'll be in my prayers


Take your time! I think its safe to say we all prefer you take your time in healing and only come back when you’re healthy and ready. We’ll be here when you get back :)