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You’ve just been summoned to hell by a hellhound who acts tough and tries to scare you, but you’re not really someone who scares easily. She brings you to her home and when you enter her bedroom, she turns into a BIG softie who only wants pats and cuddles. Now you've gotta pet her until she melts from pleasure.

♡YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MileenaMachina

♡Twitter: https://twitter.com/MileenaMachina

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♡Discord: https://discord.gg/9m5b3uhJfs

♡Donations: https://paypal.me/aomiuchiyama

♡Script: u/LearnTWF




2.35 meters? Metric....God we really are in hell.

Tyler Ferguson

So Cute - great work as always, mileena <3!!!!!!


This one is great. Hellhounds are easily A tier monstergirls and the tough girl with a soft spot for her partner is an S tier premise. I'd love to have a dynamic in a relationship where we can both be softies at home with each other but show the world not to fuck with us in public.

Nox Nemesis

*pat pat pat* Nicely done~


R/whoosh. The joke here is that people who use metric very often go "Imperial system I really am in hell" this being a play on that from the other side of the pond. Edit: guy didn't like my satire and wrote something about it then deleted his reply when I explained the joke. hence this exists here


actually, I would prefer to stay in hell


Well, I guess I'm just here early.

Maxwell Cohen

And they called it "Puppy Loooove"!


Fun little side facts: Hell is a sea of fire, has no ruler, no hierarchy, no company, abandoned and forsaken, is no fun at all, duh, has been created not for sinners but to seal away the demons and their leader. Sinners go there by their own free choice, but no human was meant to go there. I do like the mythical concept of an infernal kingdom though, just like I like myths and mythical creatures in general. Just sayin' this has never been accurate for those who follow that common misbelief.