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Hello <3

I’m really sorry to do this, but with the overload of comms and the amount of people neglecting to read T.O.S or taking advantage of the discounted Patreon system, I’ve updated the commissions again.

I understand if some of you want to revert back to the basic tier again— please do so and know that I’m still incredibly grateful for you all.

For those still wishing to utilize script benefits, please check the guidelines in my pinned post. Thank you!



May i ask what happened im a bit confused


You do you, I may only be a teir 2 and not have a say in this but, its your job and your life do whatever you want with it.

Dean Winchester

@Coldblood131 There are a bunch of rules for scripts/requests, sounds like people aren't following them.

Reginald Pots

I hope you get the chance to take some time to just relax soon. It sounds like stuff is hectic, that sucks super hard.


don’t be sorry, lead as you see fit boss