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As a novice adventurer is sent to scout out and clear an old house that was rumored to be occupied by monsters, he faces one of the daughters of the demon lord. To her, he is just a scared human, to him, she is the devil herself. How will it unfold?

***Forgive the lack of bgm and sfx, I let my laptop die and the file got corrupted while rendering aha >.<***

♡YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MileenaMachina

♡Twitter: https://twitter.com/MileenaMachina

♡Twitch: https://twitch.tv/MileenaMachina

♡Discord: https://discord.gg/9m5b3uhJfs

♡Donations: https://paypal.me/aomiuchiyama

♡Script: u/TheTakenCatKing



Very good job!


This was actual WAY MORE wholesome than I thought it would be. I love it


Very well done! It was cool how wholesome and sexy it was! And your talent is next level! Perhaps, one thing that could take it further is a few sound effects. I think it really helps flesh out audio. But that’s just a bit-pick! Good work!

Snub Birth

We are slowly inching closer to Shoggoth.


I dont think a roleplay video has ever made me shed tears before


Interesting lore and story.