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You've been beaten down by circumstances out of your hands despite honorable service and actions to those around you. Just as you feel like you're tipping over into the deep end, a savior arrives.

♡YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@MileenaMachina

♡Twitter: https://twitter.com/MileenaMachina

♡Twitch: https://twitch.tv/MileenaMachina

♡Discord: https://discord.gg/9m5b3uhJfs

♡Donations: https://paypal.me/aomiuchiyama

♡Commission For/Script: Ray



Just noticed you said the species name wrong. And I'm the only nerd that would notice. Andorian, it's like. (an-door-E-n). Also lemme put this here for myself, 🤓☝️ Not to mention in Star Trek Enterprise they are shown as a heavily militaristic warrior culture like Klingons but less honor-bound and Savage but more refined.


Why is this the main reason that I started to play Star Trek Online? Good RP. Hope that there is a part 2, meeting the Ex