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You find yourself, a space marine, captured and bound. You're naked and exposed on a cold hard floor as a mysterious, strong woman confronts you about things far beyond your knowledge. You try convincing her you have no idea what she's talking about, but being insistent, she employs other means to gather the truth from you.

♡Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/aomiuchiyama

♡ Public Discord: https://discord.gg/gsxHZpVvgS

♡ 18+ ONLY Discord: https://discord.gg/fZ867CEcBX

♡Twitter: https://twitter.com/AomiUchiyamaYT

♡Donations: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/hellosenpaiva

Commission for DeemerWM~




Not gonna lie but that was pretty hot


Not the caliber i have come to expect from your RPs. Very relieved you are out of woods w that Corona shit. Welcome back bb. Commisioned story i kno, but ur WAY better than this, Aomi..


Completely understand that it may not be to your liking, however this was meant for them primarily. They pay extra for what they like and I, happily, oblige. I don't think they'd like to see that this isn't up to other people's standards when they worked very hard to spin the story up for me. I'd understand if you offered constructive criticism, but to see you openly denouncing something I worked hard on simply hurts.

Oliver Nilsson

Uhm, if ths was a comission then it's even stranger, looking at a lore aspect, "They will be my space marines, and they shall know no fear" They are unable to feel fear, very confused space marine noises.

Josh B

Dom me dark eldar mommy


__It's just that it was posted for all of your patrons not just they who paid extra for it. I wasn't trying to be hurtful I think that's obvious, just weigh in w the humble opinion of one such loyal patron...user feedback as it were. __Kudos to the author for putting their work out for, near-universal review in this often, "un-safe space". Must take guts and a thick skin I'm sure. gg, wp


It kinda seemed like you went out of your way to insult them tbh, you mentioned that you recognized its a commission yet STILL proceeded to say “she could’ve done better”, like wtf dude