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Henlo everyone. It's been a long month and a half for me, sorry for having been away for a bit. Rest assured, I have recovered from covid and aside from personal struggles, am okay. 

Lately, I've been struggling to come to terms with my thyroid cancer and while some of you may have heard the news about my insurance agreeing to cover 60% of my surgery bill, that still leaves $10.4k for me to pay out of pocket. I have no means of getting that money and while I've been living with my cancer diagnosis since 2016, it's still disheartening to know that my recovery is just out of reach. But life must go on. Just want to explain why I've been off social media for a little.

Anyways, I've been pre-recording like crazy, so audios will resume as normal. Tuesday and Thursday uploads! Got a lot of amazing stuff coming up!

I'm still planning my stream debut, it's looking like it'll be a while, as the artists that I want to commission all have waitlists a couple of months long in order to get my stream assets and debut pieces, but that's okay. There's still my tiktok and such you guys can find my gaming clips on!

I've missed you all. Get ready for big things!



(Big hugs) Can't wait to hear more audios from you, Aomi!

Oliver Nilsson

Wow didnt know you had cancer im very sorry to hear that,, atleast it seems to be one of the ''kind'' thyroid cancers, hope you can save up the money to get that sorted soon, Thank you for all the great audios.


$10.4K?! Jesus fucking Christ I’m sorry you have to deal with that!