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I cannot even begin to thank you all enough for the amount of support you've all given me! I appreciate all of you so friggen much and thanks to your help, I'm able to afford to get the procedures done so I can finally be pain AND infection free next week. The minute I'm healed up, I'll be back to recording regularly.

To those of you who donated and/or spread the word: Thank you. Thank you a million. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could explain just how thankful I am, but I'm afraid there are no words that could truly encompass grateful I am to have received your help.

I love you. All of you. Thank you for making this lewd weirdo whole and giving me a family <3


Parker Peeber

glad we could help love ya

alex garcia

We r here for you now get better soon ❤️


I am soo happy for you and please take your time and get better

Bruno bucharati

Good we love you don’t die on us


Happy to be of some help.

Shae Kelley

I’m happy for you, and I know for a fact I’m not the only one. Audios can wait your health and happiness is more important than lewd ASMR. Keeping awesome

Bruno bucharati

I’m sorry I didn’t donate like I said, i just have pretty low reception here, can’t complete the transaction