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Hate that I have to do this, but the American health system sucks and idk about you, but I don't have $4k to throw away rn.

I recently had surgery for a maxillofacial infection and it turns out it wasn't even the cause of my face swelling and tooth pain, it was my exposed nerve in another tooth.

Prior to surgery, I pre-recorded a bunch of audios in prep, but I didn't think I'd still be left in pain barely able to speak, eat, or sleep with how bad it is. Eventually, audios will run out... I need to have this dental work done so I can get back to recording.

If you can spare A N Y T H I N G to help, it'd be greatly appreciated. I just wanna get back to doing what I love.


If you can't donate, PLEASE signal boost this tweet so I can get to someone who may be able to🙏🏽




Parker Peeber

i’ll send as much money as i can

zombie halo

Hope you get better soon


I've been there, got slammed with a 6k bill once without insurance. I'll help out as much as I can

Bruno bucharati

Hope you get better, alright we are gonna try to help as much as we can, but no more ntr good lord 🚶‍♂️


Don't worry we got you covered, like everyone else I'll help as much as I can


Cant send much, but ill pitch in what i can. Hopefully it will help


I'll help, too wishing all the best and looking forward to the next audio 👉👈 prohaps another yandere one?


Sure I'll pledge $500 AUD, work has been good last few months.


I know it is not much but I just increased my tier subscription, hope it helps


Ill send what i can once im paid :) get well soon


Keep us updated, we care

God-emperor Zurg

Wait, what? The government doesn’t pay for your medical stuff???

Adam Ray Haggstrom

Not unless your at a certain level of poverty, and even then it depends what state you live in, and even then coverage for dental issues is total dogshit.


Hey I know it won't help much but I've increased my tier to help out as much as I can I hope you get better soon and relax okay we got you :)


If they let you, make monthly payments of like $30-$50 dollars (assuming you're able).