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Walking: WASD

Toggle Sprint: Shift Key

Actions: (When pickup notification is visible at the bottom right of the screen)

Stomp: Space (If pickup notification is on, it will auto lock to an object)

Pickup: Right Mouse Click (If pickup notification is on, it will auto lock to an object)

Throw: Left mouse Click

Vore: V Key (If pickup is in hand)

Change pickup selection: Scroll mouse wheel

Growth: G

Change Footwear: N Key

Change Bottoms: M Key

Camera Controls:

Toggle Foot Camera: 1 Key

Photo Mode:

Enter/Exit Photo Mode: P

Toggle Free Camera (If in PhotoMode): T

Gallery (If in PhotoMode): O

Fixing texture quality:

If you see a red message saying "TEXTURE STREAMING POOL OVER..."

1. Open the debug command:

Press Tilde Key "`" (the key left to the 1 key)

2. Input this debug command to adjust the texture pool size:

r.streaming.poolsize 7000

Alternatively, you can navigate to "GSIM_Build\GSIM_Migrated\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor\Scalability.ini"  Open it and paste the following in the txt:  





did the link break?


Sir Shrinkums posts new update: Fantastic! Sir Shrinkums posts the controls: A blessing from the lord.

efreitor Sroul

Sir, I have a request/complaint: maybe you would change the actions on the "a" and "d" keys to just pivot? Because it gets cumbursome to turn, especially in the city. And the orientation especially in "kill cam" mode gets really confusing. I can get the ide behind it, probably making it more cimematic, but walkink intho the building untill she finally turns around pretty much kills it. I know , its a lot of work, probably, but if it is done right, the "pivot" maneuvre would look nice and effective.


Understandable. I will investigate this later on. Since a lot assets/animations need to be created to accommodate for this.


Hello SS! Any new progress in the works?? :D

stanica alexandru

The game is awesome and looks great so far. The time and effort consumed are really worth it. I do have an idea or suggestion however. Would it be possible or do you think it would be a good idea to make it so the the character's belly does expand over time when you choose to vore more and more civilians? Or if not , maybe make it so the character can devour the cars as well and not just the ppl inside them?


Thanks man! Unfortunately expanding bellies would require months of reworking my models and clothing to support that morph.

stanica alexandru

Sorry for the late reply only now I got the cash to support this and still need more. Yeah I would love to see that done as I see these updates as definitely worth waiting for.


the game is getting better and better, what do u think about adding some military tanks to it?


Is there a way to get from the game back to the main menu, or to exit the game without using Task Manager to force quit?

efreitor Sroul

yep, or some cop cars, they are easier to crush and make those siren noises...


Yup I have plans for both of those. We need “enemies” that can damage the giantess.

Jonathan Ogle

Could i please have a link so i could download the game

Jonathan Ogle

Nevermind found it thank you sorry