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Been working on this on and off for a few days - after cementing my character's design, I wanted to surprise our group with character art of the whole party.

Here's our group of first level disasters (and one competent half-dwarf fighter).  

Baelarhyn - an albino half-dwarf fighter.  Put together and competent, eager to prove her value and find herself outside of a cloistered upbringing.

Florabell - a gnome barbarian who has Seen Some Shit

Mackenzie - a part-elven druid who has recently finished her initiate training and is idealistic and eager to put her training to work in nurturing the balance of nature.

Vinsent - a spoiled/entitled young nobleman sorcerer who is not used to getting his hands dirty and Does Not Want To Be Here, but has no choice (or else his inheritance/title is forfit after having failed to impress family thus far).

The title image uses the D&D module cover art as a backdrop - art by https://ajmanzanedo.artstation.com/



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