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This month I am giving away a 10 page, single character, full pages(no comics), no backgrounds or furniture/big props TF Special.

Every few months I want to give something back to ya'll in the community, and this month I am doing it in the following format!

I am going to have anyone who would like a shot who has not already gotten a free TF Special to post in the responses your sequence idea by filling out this form!

I feel that this will be a hard way to do a poll since each option will be a paragraph-sized option - so for this month, I will number them off to randomzie which one to do.  I will Edit this post after it closes and respond to the post to let ya'll know which one I'll do this month.
( Future opportunities, I might make a short list of my favorites and make a poll, or pick a favorite, or do it in a build-a-sequence format, but THIS month will be completely random selection of one of your ideas!)

you have until FRIDAY JAN 5 at NOON CST to post!

1. Starting character: up to a 6 word description of the character, no reference images, but it CAN be a character from a media property (if so, and if they have multiple looks, particular design selection  and/or simplification up to me)
2.  Ending Gender
3. Transformation Trigger/scenario (can be a longer blurb)
4. Willing or Unwilling Transformation / up to 3 word reaction to the change
5. Safe for Work or Nudity or Sexual Content
6. Anthro, Were/Monstrous bipedal, Normal Nonmorphic animal, or Dire/Monstrous animal
7. What Creature they Become - up to a 6 word description, no reference images

  • It can be a real or fantasy animal.  If it's a fantasy animal, the specific design/interpretation is up to me.

randomizer.org chose entry #28 - and so I will be doing a noblewoman into a unicorn TF!



1. Starting character: Neanderthal hunter - plucky, athletic, caring, vitiligo [faint, dinosaur-like skin markings across body] 2. Ending Gender: Male (Same as start) 3. Transformation Trigger/scenario - To protect younger members of his migrating village/clan, this character invokes his deep connection to the ancient history of the world and brings it forth into the present day in full for the first time. 4. Willing - Immersed, Purpose Realized 5. Nudity 6. Dire Animal 7. Bull Parasaurolophus dinosaur [speculative continued evolution]


1. Charleston "Charlie" Barker, a good boy 2. Male 3. It's a SHOWER SCENE!! (Maybe) Halloween Punch, incubus dose number 2. 4. Woah! (Surprised) 5. Sexual Content 6. Were/Monstrous bipedal 7. Demon Bandicoot-dile