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Wow! We actually had a TIE for the first question!  Looking it over, I think I can pretty neatly combine the ideas, however, SO!  We are going to go with, for our starting character:

Carol: a waitress by profession, and a cheery/determined Christmas Caroler (20's, short, pear-shaped build, long straight hair, female,) dressed in warm fuzzy clothes, boots and a bobble hat.

So!  NOW - we are going to determine what Carol is turning into!

Post your suggestions in the comments below!
You can be general (eg: dog) or specific (eg: nonmorphic/feral male german shepherd) - but if it's a general suggestion, we might ask further questions later to specify.

Suggestions close 8pm CST Wednesday December 14

- Please keep your responses to  140 characters.  That's the maximum number of characters I can put in a poll option.  

- one suggestion per person per round

I will be selecting 3-5 of the suggestions that inspire me at the time, and I will make a poll for you to vote from them :)

I will say that I've already drawn the donation art for December, and it is a nonmorphic reindeer TF - so I will say I probably won't pick a reindeer as one of the options for this one ;) 



A feral male capybara


feral nonmorphic male snow leopard