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It's always incredibly satisfying to bring a sequence that has been in WIP stage for years to a conclusion.  Today I'm happy to present the conclusion to Bovine Lust!  I started it yeaaars ago, it went on a long haitus before the commissioner picked it up again for a bit, and then it's been continued again recently-ish by a sponsor to bring it to an end!

It does have a loose thread there at the end that might prompt a spinoff, but it's mostly for fun at this point ;)

Enjoy everyone!




How long was it since this sequence started? I seem to recall seeing the first pages back in 2009 or something? I like that the tf subject ends up (mostly) changing back instead of completely going full animal in this one.


What an awesome end to the sequence! I still haven't forgotten what we talked about before (IRL stuff jumbling a lot right now), but I hope to have stuff sent over your way before the holiday next week. :)


Good question! I'm not 100% sure when I started it either - I've changed computers and website format since it began! And glad you liked the overall story in this one! :D