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ACK!  Sorry about the empty post!  Trying again!  I swore I added images to the last one - maybe there was a glitch!

So I've actually been sitting on these undialoged pages for a while because the process was the commissioner would send me a basic page description section of script, I draw it, and then he added in dialog.  But I never was able to hear back/get a hold of him after the latest batch for the official dialog.

Eventually, I decided to add my own narration to these pages because, well, I like them and like this story and want to be able to share them.  Unfortunately, the story is still in WIP hell after this point and I still haven't heard back from the original client, but at least here's a few more pages!



Marco Ferrari

if the committee no longer makes itself heard, is it possible to transform it into a Crowdfunded Sequences?


It's a good idea, but this one was so tightly scripted, only planned a little beyond this point, and having been unable to contact the writer, I wouldn't really feel comfortable taking the reins without permission. If someone wanted to sponsor the idea up to where I have it outlined, I'd be amenable - but unless I can contact the writer I don't know if I'd feel comfortable taking it over. Maybe do an "alternate ending" or spinoff - leaving it open if the writer ever came back and wanted to finish it himself.


How many pages do you think you can make from whatever script you’ve got left?


I took a look over the script I've got - and broke it down into about 8 more pages

Vinnie Hatcher

If I had the money, I would donate to continuing Kingdom Lions


You know how some of the sequences are available to be donated to on kamiki? Do you think you can expand that option to whatever sequences are currently unfinished with you having the commissioner's script to continue each of them? Such as this one and "legs for days".


I've actually taken those links down because of p@ypal's policies - but have moved the crowdfunded sequences onto gumroad. But the only ones I promote like that are ones that I have most of the control over the script. Most sequences can still be sponsored if you message me directly, however. But I don't want to continue to encourage clients to start and then abandon sequences hoping other people will finish it for them - it just leads to more perma-WIPs.