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Thank you all again for following my work and your continued support and contribution!  

I just finished the website update: with well over 100 new pieces of artwork!

I've got some news items this month that include immediate slots available for SFW commissions, and information about the general opening next month:

News Items

  1. The Website Update is Live 
  2. Special Safe for Work Commission: 3 SLOTS OPEN NOW!
    SEE THE INFORMATION HERE - these are special, limited commission slots OPEN NOW, ahead of the main commission openings next month (see below).  In a nutshell, they must be both safe for work, and all information AND reference images must fit on 1 printed page.  
  3. I am planning on doing an opening for new commissions with my END OF MARCH UPDATE~!  ​I'm doing things a little differently this time.  
    So I can plan it in advance and make sure I don't have any conflicts, this will fall on Sunday March 29.  Commissions will open at 2pm Central time regardless of whether or not I post a "go"!
    I can't guarentee that the opening will last very long - I'll take on a month or two worth of new artwork, and will then close to new commissions until the next opening.   

    INFO FOR NEXT COMMISSION OPENING:OPENING TIME: This time, by request, I will announce ahead of time a specific time of day I will be reopening commissions so people can plan around it.  To make sure I will be home and available, I will set it at 2pm on Sunday, March 29

    What To Send: When you send an email, include:

    Scope of the project:
       - (how many pages (can be approximate),
       - pencil, inked or colored,
       - how many characters, and if multiple characters, are they present on all pages?

     Paying all at once or in batches?  
        - If in batches, do you have a basic budget for your first payment? 

    ALTERNATIVELY, You CAN send me the full write-up if you are reaching out, but at the minimum, let me know the above information.  If I haven't closed yet, I will reserve you a spot, but I only add people to my worklist after I've received payment (and I add people to the list in approximate order I receive the payment). 

    This is all to give me an estimate for how long it is going to take me to work on your project, so I can get a feeling for how many commissions I can take on before I close.  

    Payment (for at least a batch of the work) will be due within a week or else your reservation on my list will be forfeit. 
  4. Donation artwork for February 2020:
    Bee Mine!
    A man is given chocolate covered honeycomb truffles for Valentine's day, and agrees to "Be Mine" - not realizing he's agreeing to be changed into an anthro bee to serve his Queen!
    Man -> Anthro Drone Bee (Insect)
    8 full pages (some with 2 characters or inserts) + 4 comics ​= 12 pages total
  5. Crowdfunded Sequences - 1 page of Devil's Due and 1 page of Cabin in the Woods 2!
  6. I want to give a Big Shout-Out of thanks to all my $15+ Patreon donators this month:
    _WAter_, Andrew D, Ishayu, werewolf_hunter20, John P, anybee, Johnny_Vulpine, Cowrara, killer095, WOW for life!, Robert, Andrew WS,
    (IF any of you would like to go by a different name, please let me know!)


Andrew D

Great update! Will the donation art for this month also be shared?


*facepalm* yes. Yes it will - my sincere apologies. I apparently made a lot of errors here and there yesterday. Thank you for bringing this to my atttention!!


When will another sneak peak of captured cattle come out?


heh, I JUST started in on the next installment, which should wrap up the story. I'm already planning on posting it after I finish and scan it.