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I'm looking into switching the format of how I release content from alternating between Patron-Only releases and Public release to Patrons-Only New Releases and Public releases being 1 version behind. If that makes sense.

Here are the choices:

A) Keep it the way it is (Alternate between Patron-Only and Public Updates)

B) Only Patrons get access to the latest version and all previous versions while public gets access to ALL the versions before it.

C)  Only Patrons get access to the latest version and all previous versions while public gets access to ONLY the version before it. 

D) Other format (Comment)

I don't know if it'll upset some people or whether this will be a biased decision but help me out and pick a logical decision.

Whatever the outcome is, it'll be implemented when I release the early access of Alpha 0.05.

Note: Sorry, had to repost this since the previous one allowed more than one option to be selected.


Adam Kindering

Maybe you could make minor updates patron only and major updates public?


For your previous question, the TiTs update schedule is 3 patron updates, and 1 everyone update that is comprehensive to that point, then back to 3:1


Minor updates being stuff like aesthetic updates? Where as major updates being story progression?


Thanks for that info :) So to clarify, it's like: Ver 0.05, 0.06, 0.07 are Patron-Only, then 0.08 is Public. Then it repeats?


I think as you are kind enough to provide a release for $1 that serialpeacemakers idea sounds good. I am happy with any idea really but voted d.


Honestly in the end it really doesnt matter. It'll just end up on some website a day after it comes out. Just pledged to you by the way keep up the good work!