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Hey, ya'll,

We have some news and updates to share with you about the upcoming release of A Town Uncovered 0.45 build in early April! We've been working hard to progress the main story as much as we can, and we're using temporary assets and spritework for now to make it happen.

As per our roadmap, we WANT to finish the main story ASAP and get it all out of the way, if that means it takes us a few releases to do it than so be it. We want the game in a state where all loose ends have been tied.

We also want to give a shout out to our writer Roberto, who's been working on Effie's story in tandem. Although it won't be included in the upcoming 0.45 build, you can look forward to experiencing it in the Alpha 0.47 release, set to launch in August.

As always, your feedback and support on Patreon are invaluable to us, and we couldn't have come this far without you. Your contributions keep us going and allow us to keep making progress on A Town Uncovered.

We're excited to share this new version with you in April and can't wait for you to experience the latest developments in the game. Thanks again for your support, and we'll see you in A Town Uncovered 0.45 build!



SCP 3887B

Do you think you'll add more side stories as time goes, or do you think you'll stop after Effie?