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Teasing some Furbolgs, this is the file without the little Text / Story yet.

I was thinking about a few things while doing the last pack of drawings,

I always felt like the square format was fair and simple, I was seeking a way to tell the story of this lewd adventure in a way that kept it easy for me to do, the purpose was always doing three drawings a month, with their proper variants, and a little short story attached to them.

At the very start it was as intended, but as time passes I'm in this spot where I keep adding stuff, i'm making the scenes longer, the written stories are taking me from 5 to 7 pages now, and I just want to add more and more, but I found plenty of flaws with this method:

1 - The square canvas is good to keep all things tidy and nice, but they are also restrictive when trying to fit diversity in poses and creativity for each drawing.

2 - The text parts are too much explained not much shown, I can just fit enough drawings per scene, and sometimes the stories I write with them describe things I'm not able to show properly, this wouldn't be a problem because sometimes erotica can be read, but as you probably all know, im not fluent nor good in english (trust me i have seen so many typos from past stuff I want to rip my face appart..., don't feel bad in pointing them out for me please!)

3 - As I do more and more for each drawing, I find myself struggling a lot drawing different perspectives and adjusting faces or details to match the characters as precisely as I can, this is obvious, as artists thrive to be consistent, but in this format I find it particularly tedious, I'm working with layers, and I always end up in a tangled mess of switching between layers to fit the images, because YES, every image you see are from the exact same canvas...

Example below:

Yeah it's not looking cute, looks like Freedy Fazbore machinery bite of 87...

4 - Overall, is taking me more time to complete stuff than it was expected.

So here's my solution to this problem, you may agree or don't, but I think you probably will, here's the thing:

COMIC FORMAT! For WOW, Lewd World, Adventure!!!

I'm using an old example of a comic I did months ago, which I had super fun making, i'm not expert at comics, but I believe that, appart from the TYPOS!!!!! it turned out great, and I always planned on revisit them anyway...

You probably have questions though!

Isn't this harder to do? Won't this take more time?

Actually, i've been thinking, and I believe it won't, here's the deal.

1 - Canvas clean of messy Layering, just draw the comic and move on with another page.

2 - Instead of writing a long ass story, which is not my forte, I can just explain the story graphically as well as adding text and conversations there. And that takes me to point

3 - FOREPLAY, yes, the direct square-porn drawings skipped right into the action, leaving the normal stuff for the text part, and that skips the horniest parts in my opinion, the arousal of the scene playing as Brostud moves along is what I feel this adventure is missing, with a Comic format I will be able to delve deeper in character progression and mold them in an appealing light, from now what i get from the adventure is that Brostud is trying to fuck everyone and everything, and be fucked mostly ATM let's be real. Yet meanwhile, the story explains how disturbed he is about the curse and how badly is affecting men, I believe i can't portray that clearly, and I also think is somewhat depraved and hot. :smiling_evil_emoji:

As I do this, I will also be able to post pages individually, instead of trying to finish the entirety of a scene just so I dont teaspoon feed you all...

Sorry for this long ass dilemma, for this long ass text when all you want to do is probably jerk off... But I rather have your opinion on this matter, maybe I'll make another post tomorrow, a Poll for voting, but I'm leaning towards a Comic format nevertheless...

Thank you all again for staying, for your support as always, I always want to provide the best I can, I know I sound exhausted all the time and I don't want to come off as annoying, but let me keep it real for you all! 

Mucho amor Kiss kiss fall in love to you all, and I will inform you stuff about Game development and other stuff soon!




I actually prefer the storytelling writing to just the dialogue (and I think you do a perfectly good job at it, despite your misgivings), and it'd feel weird to suddenly switch styles in the middle of the story. Maybe go with the comic format for the visual parts but keep the storytelling part as narration in text boxes. (Does that make sense? Idk, I'm sleepy rn.)


OH yeah I understand you clearly, I mean, the Comic format wouldn't just be dialogue, It would be filled with erotic narrative and descriptions about the scene, but the actual scene will be accompanying it, thank you for your feedback, im glad you enjoy the writing, if you like the comic format but wouldnt want to lose the writing then i believe you will like it! (maybe i can make a little one off to test of yall recieve it)


Comic format is definitely pretty hype. The Warsong Gulch was probably my favorite thing from you. Still, it's a lot of work. Hopefully it works for you. It definitely has its ups and downsides though. I hope to see full text from you in some capacity in the future




Love the belly with muscle combo!