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I thought I was going to post the thing today but I’m dozing over my desk, looong hard days at works assaulting me lately, think I’ve been even more silent than usual, will fix that…

The drawing turned out great I believe! But I still need to add some lights and some thick substances on it.

Also, I have kinda like, a lot of things to say and ask perhaps, some info about the current situation and all, nothing bad or anything, just things I’ve been considering to change, like the format of these drawings, you will probably like what I will announce tho so don’t be scared!

More info about the game too, it’s there, I’m still hitting my head with it. And yeah, overall, holiday season always keep me extra busy at work, just yesterday we had to make an entire catering with a lot of food, woke up at seven am, went to bed at 3 in the morning. Explosive head emoji.

Everything’s good, I hope you all are doing fantastic as well, I truly (and I always repeat myself) truly expect I can bring more and faster things soon, maybe next year I have more opportunities for myself! And although I’m anxious sometimes thinking about the time passing and me not uploading, there’s still this thing in me, a guardian angel of sorts that for some reason I just can’t imagine not succeeding on this, is crazy right? What a kinky nasty guardian angel if so! Gay bara angel 😇.


Max Anthony Garcia

There’s really no need to push yourself as much! And you should relax more and take time for yourself I understand you push yourself to finish these but your mental and physical state is important as well I will continue supporting you as much as I can


I’ve been with you for so many months throughout the hiatuses and the months of no billing and I have to say I don’t regret a single second. I love your content to the moon and back, I personally don’t mind if I have to wait because I know you always deliver and you’re truly one of my favorite artists, there’s no concept even similar to what you’re doing with lewd world and I think that is invaluable. I also think you should be able to take time for yourself and not push yourself so hard, because I know one thing you’re going to always do is serve body, helmet and bake a mean cake (from what I’ve seen in your twitter at least!) take the time you need and thank you for everything, I know work can be stressful. I will continue to support you no matter what 🩷


You always have a king behaviour, love you for that! <3 I appreciate the concern, yet at the same time It drives my needs to provide better stuff for you all because of the love I recieve 😭... I will try to balance things off, I'm forever grateful! And I do love drawing porn, so!!


You are so extremely kind!! I do feel you always there! Your support is so tangible that no wonder i'm stressed trying to offer my entire soul in this project with messages like these! I just can't stand not delivering the most I can! I doubt my abilities so often, and I don't tend to compare my art to others, but all the problems I see with my drawings dissipate when I read stuff like this, know i'm super grateful, and that someday this adventure will be more than just posts, but an interactive event for all tastes! I hope you have a wonderful week month year life and know i will sleep safe and sound after reading this tonight... <3