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My kiddo is now out of both school and summer school, so we're going to be running amuck, going to the pool, and all the good things. I will write every day, as usual, but chapters will be much more likely to be posted very late, if I have to finish working after she goes to bed. I just wanted to let you all know, so I don't have to bother you with lots of "Late Chapter Today" posts.

Also, my family will be going on our big vacation for the year from June 23-July 31, and I won't have internet or a computer, so no writing, unless I get desperate and start using napkins and tree bark.

Things will return to normal by the end of August. (Yay!)



I'm sorry. My 9yr son and 12 yr daughter were having a sophisticated argument in the background a few days ago, something about urnials and funerals. I'm not sure what, but I was desperetly wishing that summer vacation was over.


😂 sounds about right. We only have the one, but I swear she c can pick a fought with herself. Plus she's so, so bored. Or maybe she wants to make a cake. Or play checkers. She doesn't know how to play checkers, but today's the day....