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Harris called, he wants his colour back Ezra ❤️‍ I’m just thinking about how outraged Harris would be at the shoddy work of cheap Halloween costumes. And how he would be so peeved, that he‘s almost convinced by Florian and Errol to start his own line of slutty Halloween costumes. Because at least then the tailoring would be done properly, it would be ART. But then he snaps back to reality, I am a distinguished, respectable tailor!! 🤣🤣🤣

Third slide is the title page that’ll go at the top for Tapas and Webtoon 💚💛

Not even sure why out of everyone, I only put Oscar and Ezra in fancy dress 😇😈 IT IS WHAT IT IS. If comic pages don’t take up most of October, I would like to do something more Halloween themed, but we’ll see! I mean, surely I have to try and do a Halloween Errol pic with his pumpkin head, it would be sinful not to. But again we’ll see, I’ll try!

I’m super excited for Halloween this year. No set plans, it’s just the first time I’m not stuck in a customer service job on my favourite holiday. So much candy and movies shall be consumed 😤🙏





So Ezra is the devil, is he becoming a bad influence on Oscar? Hence the blush? Or is he trying to do bad Bela Lugosi impersonations?


This picture is ... so sweet 😉