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No one calls it fall here, it’s always Autumn, but then I couldn’t give it a cute rhyming title 🤣

If you’re not part of the Tea For Tanya Discord, I recommend you link your Discord and Patreon since I share WIPs to the server first ⭐️👈

As I finish each one, I’ll upload them to Patreon. And when they’re all coloured, I’ll post the strip on Tapas and Webtoon 💛💚

I did a poll on Instagram asking people if they ate the apple after eating off all the caramel/candy. It was so close in votes, it was almost equally divided 🤣 I hate when they use golden delicious apples, I need it to be crunchy and tangy. I don’t like biting into apples, I much prefer to slice them.





My heart is so full 🧡🧡🧡🧡 I love the conflict in Harris’s eyes lol


Tanya, I’m dying. If you keep killing me with cuteness I won’t be able to support the patreon anymore ;-;