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First of all: some horrible stuff has happened in my hometown Stockholm. My family is safe, thanks for all of your thoughts and please hug somebody you like a bit extra today.

To keep my mind off of things: so one of the reasons that the ID cards have taken such a long time (I'm sorryyyyyy) is because I want it to have my logo on it, and making a logo was easier said than done. 20 drafts later I'm FINALLY at a place that I like, and here's three different versions of it! It's not a final draft but I think it'll look somewhere along these lines in the end. What do you think about it? Would love to hear your input!

Yours truly madly and deeply 




Glad your family is safe!!! I'm in favor of top left or bottom right.


I'm all for those monochromatic ones on the top left. They look a bit like a stamp, which is very nice. You could even get some real stamps made with those and then stamp your logo on EVERYTHING!


Glad to know your family is safe. As for the logo, just a thought, needs more robot though. Maybe include a lego element, or some of that bracket material? Bar with holes drilled in it, something. On the other hand, a logo needs to be clean and easy to use. And Lego would probably protest or something. Keep up the great work!

Mike Koss

Logo: I think you should stay with the white-colored light bulb - the other's don't read as well (unless necessary for embroidered versions where you don't have the choice of white on dark background. I'd keep it simple and not clutter up the design with more elements. My favorites are the all white on black background, or the borderless black circle with yellow text and white light bulb.


Glad everyone's safe, what a shitty thing to have happened :( +1 for the top row, they look great! You could maybe cut some stencils in that design to spray paint your mark on your creations, Diresta style!


Snyggt! Använd alla. :-) Du kan ju ta svart-vitt/vitt-svart till lite formellare prylar men ha tillgång till övriga varianter för olika sinnesstämningar eller kampanjer å så.


Loooove the red, black and white.


I once bought a t-shirt for a now-defunct blog, via a t-shirt printing web-shop that no longer exists, that had this cool logo (which I've recreated from memory because I can't find it anywhere on the internet). I think it would be fit for a queen (of shitty robots): <a href="http://imgur.com/BE9fL6Y" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://imgur.com/BE9fL6Y</a>


I like the logo. Clear and to the point.


You know the Black on White one looks like it will make an awesome stamp. Maybe for a stamping robot. Let me see if I have any rubber and I can laser one up....


I really like the ones with white negative space. Of those, the blue one is my fav!